B 90 Days Day 10 SOAP: Listening for my assignment

Day 10 of the Bible in 90 Days

Today’s Reading: Leviticus 26:27- Numbers 8:14

If you are reading through the Bible in 90 Days with us, keep it up! And remember, although parts of the Bible may feel a bit redundant, every bit is God-breathed and meant to be there. Try your best to just soak it all in and listen to what God shares with you.

On to my SOAP for the day…

Scripture: Numbers 4:49

Each was assigned his work and told what to carry.

Observation: This message is actually shared a few times as each camp is counted and given its instruction. Each group had its unique assignment and was told that assignment.

Application: Often I wonder just what my assignment is.

I want to do far more than I am capable of and should do so I tend to s-t-r-e-t-c-h myslef, trying to do more and more and more.

This verse is reminding me that I need to sit still and listen a bit more to hear just what my assignment is. And then follow THAT.

I cannot and should not try to do everything my heart longs for. I should listen to the Lord and follow His guidance alone. He is not going to lead me astray. My heart, however, when following the world, might.

Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for blessing me with so many wonderful gifts. Thank you for allowing me to reach out to others in Your name. Thank you for allowing me to be a wife, a mom, a daughter, sister and friend (although I often feel like I fail in those roles all too often). Please, Lord, help me listen to your instruction in all those areas. Keep me from working to please the world and taking on more than you intend. I want to hear YOUR instruction alone and have the courage to follow just that.

Thank you for this reminder to stop, listen and follow.

And thank you, Lord, for showing me recently how to set a few boundaries on my time so I can better serve you. And thank you for bringing help when I needed it and rest when I needed that, too. You are amazing!

You know my assignment. It is my honor and privilege to follow just that.

Thank you, Lord.


16 responses to “B 90 Days Day 10 SOAP: Listening for my assignment”

  1. I appreciate your thoughts. Yes, each is assigned what to carry. but will we?

  2. Hannah Avatar

    This is why I LOVE your S.O.A.P. posts. I really struggled trying to sift through the reading today (and yesterday for that matter) but your observations really help me find meaning. Thanks for everything that you do!

  3. kim hansen Avatar
    kim hansen

    I so much needed to read that today. I feel as if I stretch myself thin in areas in my life and then there are areas in my life that I don’t tend to and I truly am praying more and listening to God for my assignment each day.

  4. Stretching… I can relate. I love your take on this verse. I read that phrase but I never that about it like this.

  5. Jennifer Avatar

    I like the way you wrote s-t-r-e-t-c-h. I’m a visual person and that really described the way I feel right now. Trying to do so many things for a myriad of reasons…I want to, I have to, I feel obligated to, etc. etc.

    Being reminded the Lord has specific tasks for me and that by focusing on those I will be more productive and more effective really makes sense. It’s hard when you feel pulled in so many directions but it’s choice and one worth making. Thanks for the insight and encouragement.

  6. […] Day 10: Listening for my assignment […]

  7. Great reminder! Stay the task at hand. I have a tendancy to want to help too much. Saying yes to everything.
    I have a quick question,
    I have divided my Bible into what I need to read for 90 days. I seem to be behind what you are reading. Is this ok? I will try to catch up. I feel like I am playing catch up already though. Enjoying all the reading for sure and I am treating it like a class. I must get it done!
    Looking forward to our next Twitter date.
    Dani Joy

  8. Bev S. Avatar
    Bev S.

    After two days of reading every spare minute, I’m finally caught up. I’ve discovered that reading along with the Audio Bible, using earphones, really helps keep my mind from wandering…especially during the repetitive parts.

  9. Beautiful prayer today!

    I am so sad I missed the twitter chat last night :( I did have a question in regards to day 8’s reading in Leviticus. When the Lord set Aaron’s two sons Nadab and Abihu on fire and the died, where did they go? Heaven… Hell? I’m not sure why this got stuck in my head but I was curious to know. Thanks :)

    Also I just finished day 10’s reading for the day!

  10. Day 10, fell a little bit behind but all caught up now : )

  11. Fantastic food for thought, thanks!

  12. I also thought of the song “In the service of the King”.

  13. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by MomsToolbox, MomsToolbox. MomsToolbox said: I'm going to try hard to listen for MY assignment and do just that (Day 10 #B90Days SOAP is up) :http://bit.ly/aMhwtl […]

  14. Thanks Amy. It is such an encouragement to come here each day and see what the Lord has given you. . .

  15. I have a very hard time getting through this part of the bible…I am pushing on though. I have found that reading it and then listening to it while I perform my other duties around the house has help tremendously though!

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