Day 4 of the Bible in 90 Days
Scripture: Genesis 50:19-20
19But Joseph said to them, “Don’t be afraid. Am I in the place of God? 20 You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.
Observation: Joseph, when expected to lash out at his brothers for the evil they did to him, instead explained that he was not to judge. And reflected on how he was able to be used by God to do positive things through the bad way he was treated.
Application: How incredible is it that Joseph could look past the horrible things his brothers did to him and forgive and see the bigger picture! Throughout all this reading there is so much revenge, but not for Joseph. He was so in touch with God that he could rise above the evil and forgive.
Prayer: Lord, please guide me in growing closer to you and farther from evil. Help me to be kind and gracious, even when I feel I am being wronged. I am not to be in the place of you and judge. I am to live in obedience and love. Please give me the strength and faith to do that.
Please, Lord, be with all the other Bible in 90 Days readers that they may catch up or hold tight to the reading schedule. As the days go on, you know it gets harder to keep reading. Please, Lord, show them where to fit their reading time in and empower them to use every second you give them.
Thank you, Lord, for this opportunity to be used and be a part of such a unique community. I pray that there will be many more like it after us.
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