B90 Days SOAP: Seeking Prosperity

Day 3 of the Bible in 90 Days

Scripture: Genesis 39: 2

The Lord was with Joseph and he prospered, and he lived in the house of his Egyptian master.

Observation: Joseph, although a slave, still had the Lord with him and he fared well even in his position as a slave.

Application: Before I get frustrated in any situation I might be in, I need to stop and be thankful that the Lord is with me… and work as if working for the Lord.

If Joseph could prosper as a slave, then I can prosper in whatever much more minor inconveniences I think I suffer. The key, though, is to have God on my side. And that can happen as I listen, study and grow my relationship with the Father.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for showing me that I need look beyond whatever minor inconveniences I think I might be suffering from time to time and instead look toward you and prosper. Thank you for the opportunity to study your word and the opportunity to really know you through your son Jesus Christ.

Please guide those reading your word with me that they might come to know you and hear you even more clearly through this study. Help us all to look toward you and understand real prosperity, not worldly prosperity. And guide us in seeking that. Thank you for your direction.


9 responses to “B90 Days SOAP: Seeking Prosperity”

  1. That is the same thing that stood out to me (I don’t read yours until I’m finished) I believe that Joseph was in Gods will for his life, which is why he was able to prosper. He also never cursed God even after being sold into slavery and thrown into prison after being wrongly accussed. When I ask myself what I would have done in the same situation, I’m not sure that I would have been as good as Joseph.

  2. I need to remember that more often. Be grateful ALWAYS! When I get frustrated at my job, I need to remember that I have a job! This can apply to all aspects or our lives: kids, husband, home, friends, etc.

  3. Amen! Thank you Amy.

  4. […] The last time I was struck by how prosperous Joseph was, even as a slave. You can read my SOAP about that here. […]

  5. Thank you again for sharing this blog with us. I love the accountability of logging in and leaving a comment without having to write an entire blog post. I enjoyed today’s reading. God pointed out how destructive jealousy is and can be. Thank you again.
    .-= Charissa @ MiMi’s Babies´s last blog ..Reading through the Bible =-.

  6. Great post. With my reading so far, this is what stood out to me from Genesis 30:

    Jacob, Rachel and Leah

    We know God listens to us, but we have to believe even more that God knows what is best for us. This is true, even when things seem unfair. It’s easy to get caught up in our relationships with people, especially unhealthy relationships. We focus on negative feelings and events, rather than focus on positive things to be grateful for. Often, we wait too long to turn to God for help as this becomes a last resort. We lose our focus on the Lord and instead become drained from drama going on in our lives. Jealousy is very damaging and trying to compete with others is hard to get past. Trusting God and when we take in His love, envy is driven out of our hearts. When making decisions in our lives, we should always take the time to approach God in prayer. Our actions should be based upon glorifying God and not our own selfish motives. We do not need to worry, God takes care of us and all our needs. He can see the desires of our heart, but his time frames can be different than what we expect. We must be patient and know God is at work.

    That’s all for now, but I still have reading :-)

    .-= Jennifer´s last blog ..Day 3 : Our expectations =-.

  7. You are so right.

    I’m not so good at interpreting these stories. I read the story of Joseph in his master’s home, and I thought only that it was God’s influence for Joseph to prosper. It hadn’t occurred to me that Joseph worked hard because he was working as if for the Lord Himself.

    I can’t wait to get my study guide; I hope it will help me to draw a lot of these parallels, too.
    .-= Tara @ Feels Like Home´s last blog ..A Reader Survey =-.

  8. So true!
    .-= Ivy´s last blog ..Laughing at God. . . =-.

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