Bible in 90 Days Day 90 Celebration!

Welcome to Day 90 of the Bible in 90 Days with MomsToolbox!

We made it!!!!!

It has been my prayer that these past 90 days have been filled with meaning for you as you read every single word in the Bible. I have no doubt that your time with Him was not ‘just’ limited to your daily reading time. My guess is that you felt Him, listened to Him and talked with Him more than you would have had you not joined us for this program.

Thank you for making the commitment and congratulations to each of you has has finished. You read the entire Bible. And you did so in 90 days or less… neither of those are small feats. And many of you encouraged others along the way. Awesome!

As you finish, please click over and fill out the Finisher Form. It will take about 3 minutes for you to answers the questions there. It is from that form that I take the information to fill out the finisher list which you see along the side of MomsToolbox. It is also from that form that I use your input to improve this program.

This session I am offering an all-new design for the finisher T-shirts. If you are interested in ordering one, please click over to learn more about the Bible in 90 Days Finisher shirts and order one. I am only taking orders through Saturday, October, 15, so if you want one, do not delay.

As for the next session, please stay tuned. I hope to announce the 2012 start date in November. You may subscribe to receive email alerts on the next session of the Bible in 90 Days with MomsToolbox.

Now that you are finished, if you are wondering what is next, I will begin to offer ideas soon. We want to keep this great habit going!

And now let’s move on to the celebration!

I wish I could hug each and every single one of you who gave this a go and give all of you who finished a big high five. I am so very proud of you and can appreciate all the time and dedication it takes to complete this task.

You worked hard. You were determined. You made HIM a priority. And YOU DID IT! You read every single word of the Bible, cover to cover! Wooooo-Hoooooo!

I would love to hear your story. Why did you decide to read with us? How did you feel throughout the experience? How do you feel now that you are finished? What advice would you give anyone thinking about doing this? What is your Bible in 90 Days story?

If you are a blogger…  please consider writing about this experience on your own blog and include a link back to this post in your story. Aside from just being good blog linky etiquette, that way your readers will know where to got to learn more. Just think about how many more we can influence for Christ by sharing this challenge! Also, if you are interested you can also download an “I Did It!” button for your blog.

If you are not a blogger… I would love for you to share your story in the comments section below the blog links. Your thoughts might also inspire another to give this a go, as well.

Thank you so much for trusting me to guide you through this experience. It has been my honor to work with our mentor team of 65 volunteers in guiding you along your way. I am still amazed that Ted Cooper and the Bible in 90 Days ministry allows me to do this. I am amazed at my husband for allowing me to give so much of our time to this love of mine. And your participation and thoughtful notes warm my heart when I wonder if anyone is listening. Thank you for joining the party… and thank you for running the race as to earn the prize.

You rock. You did it. And each of you inspires me.
Thank you!!


13 responses to “Bible in 90 Days Day 90 Celebration!”

  1. I have really enjoyed reading all these blog entries of those who finished. I am planning to join the next 90 journey and I am so blessed by what was written. I know that I need to clear open some space so I can concentrate on reading the Bible in that time frame. Thank you, Amy, for hosting and encouraging this awesome challenge so we can draw closer to the One who desires for us to be in His Word.

  2. Thank-you so much for hosting this & encouraging so many to get into the Word!!! I’ve been blessed to read through the Bible in 90 days with you these past few months, & have just finished today! :)

    1. Way to go, Jessica!!

  3. I had attempted reading the Bible in 90 days a few years ago. It turned into reading the Bible in 18 months instead. Which was okay, but I really wanted to do the whole 90 days thing. So I signed up, was gung ho the first two weeks even though by the end of the 2nd week I had slipped behind a few days. And then next thing I know it is week 8 and I am 33 days behind. I felt like such a failure, I had totally given up. But after reading a very encouraging wk 8 check in post by Amy, I knew I could do this. And I did. In 86 days. God used me to prove All things are possible with Him, because I certainly did not do it on my own power.

    Before I finished I was already thinking about my next Bible reading plan, the day after finishing I printed out a 1 year schedule to read the Bible chronologically. On day 2, I went through that schedule and divided it into 90 days. I knew the one year plan would not quenchthe thirst I now had for His word. So, here I go again, but this time I’m staying on schedule! ;)

    Thanks Amy, for a wonderful ministry and the opportunity to be a part of it. Congratulations to those who crossed the line and to those who didn’t, don’t ever give up.

    1. What an amazing testimony!!

  4. Thank you for this ministry! I discovered your blog button on another site and clicked it out of curiosity. Before I allowed myself to back down, I signed up! I pushed aside the utter fear and began the challenge. I chose to read at night – something about a quiet house at night, just me cuddled in bed with my Bible. The habit didn’t take long to form. Now it’s odd not doing it! I’m very interested in a chronological Bible so I’m planning to purchase one that takes me through a year. To me, this will allow more puzzle pieces to fall into place. I’ve mentioned your blog many times on my blog! I’m hoping that readers were encouraged to try it too! Blessings to you!

    1. Way to go, Carrie!!

  5. This has been a very great blessing in my life to have read the whole Bible in “88” days! I feel so much closer to God than I could have imagined. Some of the reading was kind of difficult to get through, but well worth it. I read through the King James version. It was 1566 pages of reading! I would definitely recommend doing this to others. It is a great blessing people! Thank you Amy for hosting this.
    God bless,
    Kimberley Hurst

    1. PS It is so awesome to see all of the names of the people who have finished. Congratulations. To all of you who tried and did not finish, awesome for trying! Don’t give up. Keep on reading and try again next time. Maybe God has a reason for it! Have a great day people.

      1. Thank you!

  6. Ohthatmomagain Avatar

    Thank you so much for hosting this :)

    1. You are SOOOO welcome! :)

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