I am thrilled that you have decided to read the Bible, cover to cover along with me, in 90 days. I assure you this will be an incredible experience. And I can also assure you there will be moments that you will doubt that you can finish it all by March 31. But you can. And you won’t be alone.
I am here to help you get your reading done. I see my role as part tour guide, part cheerleader and, most of all, part your prayer partner. I will be praying for each of you to get through your reading and hear just what God has for you to hear through each passage.
Every aspect of the Bible in 90 Days program is designed to help you to achieve that goal. Seeing as we are an online community and not one who will meet in person, I have made a few modifications to the original plan.
Typically groups meet in person once a week to watch a video, discuss the reading and video, pray and hold each other accountable in the reading progress by wearing color-coded nametags as whether individuals are up to date in their reading or not.
Instead, here is what you will do as part of the challenge:
Sign up here so we all know who is reading along with us. Even if you have signed up on another blog please do so here as well.
Log onto Bible in 90 Days.org and listen to an audio message which will expand on the week’s reading every Friday. You’ll find the lessons under “Hear Weekly Lessons.” I would recommend you listen to the Week One message today before you begin reading, if at all possible. (You’ll need to create an account on Biblein90Days.org to access the audio files.)
Sign up for the daily email message of encouragement from the ministry while you are on the Bible in 90 Days.org site. This email will give you great tidbits of information to get more from your daily reading. It will also list each day’s reading assignment.
Read 12 pages a day of the Bible in 90 Days program Bible. If you have decided to use a different Bible, you may download this reading schedule and use it with any Bible. Your chances of success greatly drop if you use a different Bible, though, so please consider purchasing or borrowing an official Bible in 90 Days Bible if at all possible. I want you to succeed.
While reading, absorb what you can and let the rest go. Do not go and research every question you have. If there is something you can’t stand not knowing, write down the question and keep moving. You do not want to get bogged down in details. Your goal is not be an expert in the Bible by the end of this. Your goal is to read, attentively, every word of the Bible in 90 days.
Log onto MomsToolbox.com every Monday to let us know where you are in your reading. I’ll post where you should be and you post a comment as whether you are there or not. If you aren’t up to date, please don’t poke around and get lost in the internet. (If you are behind, we want you spending your time reading the Bible, not blogs.) Just let us know you aren’t up to date, and where you are if you feel like it. I’ll know you are still in for the challenge and I’ll know to pray for you, as others might do, as well.
Join the group for a Tweet-up every Monday night from 8-9 CST (this is a new time) to ask questions, discuss the reading and video and encourage each other. Please follow @MomsToolbox and use #B90Days to join in the conversation. This will replace a weekly in-person meeting time, so set this time on your calendar and stick with it, as any other small-group meeting time.
We need community to make this happen. If we all know to be on the internet at the same time we can visit then and not worry about ‘missing’ anything throughout the week while we are reading. If you have a question throughout the week, consider holding it until Monday or commenting on a post on a my blog.
Alright… I think that covers it. Ya still in? Hop on over and watch that video and sign up for the newsletter. It’ll take about 30 minutes. Then get reading!
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