Bringing Him back

I miss my daily devotionals. I really do. It has been so hard for me to find the ‘right’ one to follow. So, today, while at a business training meeting for CEOs, I decided to just jump into the Proverbs.

I decided that I would not wait and continue searching for the ‘perfect’ devo to follow, but instead I would start Thursday with that date’s chapter in Proverbs.

I realized that waiting to find the right devotional and then deciding on a posting schedule and plan were interrupting my own devotional time. And that’s a problem. I just need more of Him. I need Him regularly. I need to be intentional with my time with Him and really listen.

So, once I decided I was jumping into Proverbs, I then decided I shouldn’t wait another day.

It may be late and technically the 17th, but I just read Proverbs 16 for Wednesday.

And this jumped out at me:

Commit your work to the LORD, and your plans will be established.
–Proverbs 16: 3

Yep. He was beckoning me back. I have no doubt He was reminding me He is there and that He will guide me. I miss my time with Him. I miss our time with Him.

If you’re missing Him, too, join me. Let’s read through the rest of the Proverbs together this month. Just read the chapter that correlates to the date. And soak Him in. :)


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