Category: Daily SOAP Devotionals
Bible in 90 Days Day 11
I have really enjoyed reading your comments and tweets and praying for you individually and collectively. Please forgive me that I cannot respond to each and every comment via email, but please know that I am doing my best. I am so thankful that you committed to this challenge and are immersing yourself in His…
Bible in 90 Days Day 9
Thanks to everyone who showed up and shared during last night’s Twitter party! It was wonderful to see so many tweeting about the Bible and sharing great tips and observations. Keep up the tweeting… and keep up the reading! Now, on to today…. Day 9 Reading: Leviticus 14:33-26:26 Daily SOAP Devotional: Day 9: Do as…
Bible in 90 Days Day 2
I hope each of you is starting strong and committing to not give up. When I went to sleep last night, we were at 893 readers. 893 people who together are reading the word of God in its entirety in just 90 days. 893 people aren’t meeting face to face and who don’t even ‘know’…
Bible in 90 Days Day 1
Welcome to Day 1 of the Bible in 90 Days/ Blogging Through the Bible in 90 Days! I am so glad you are making the commitment to read the entire Bible with us. It might get tough at times, but stick to it and keep reading and you won’t regret it. Today’s reading is Genesis…
Bible in 90 Days Day 79 SOAP: Gulp!
Scripture: Acts 20: 23-24 23I only know that in every city the Holy Spirit warns me that prison and hardships are facing me. 24However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me– the task of testifying to the…