Category: Advent Activities
Daily Advent Activities for Moms: December 15
Be a secret Santa and get your kids in on the act. Give someone a simple gift and don’t take credit. You could leave baked goods, candy or a sweet anonymous note on a neighbor’s doorstep. Anyone else have any ideas for sneaky gifts? Share your ideas in the comments of this post.
Daily Advent Activities for Moms: December 14
Pray for some of your friends by name that they may have a peaceful, joy-filled, Christ-centered Christmas. Consider sending those for whom you prayed a note letting them that you prayed for them.
Daily Advent Activities for Moms: December 13
Get ready for Christmas part 3: Make some spiced cider, enjoy it with your kids and ask them what they would like to do over the school break. Make a point to do at least one realistic request. If you don’t have kids, think about yourself— What is something different you might like to do…
Daily Advent Activities for Moms: December 12
After the kids are all ready for bed and in their pajamas, load them in the car for a surprise drive to look at Christmas lights. Bring hot chocolate or spiced cider and cookies in the car or consider going out for ice cream (in PJ’s!!) after you enjoy the lights.
Daily Advent Activities for Moms: December 11
Look through old Christmas pictures with your family this evening. What sweet memories do they bring to mind? If there are any not-so-sweet memories, what can you do to reconcile (or let go of) the icky ones? Ask your kids what they remember about Christmases past and what they enjoyed.