Category: What to Eat
Ready for the next step
I’m making some special cupcakes and have to stop to run an errand. But my kitchen waits… ready for the next step. (I can’t wait to try it out in a bit!!)
Baked Potatoes in the Crockpot— YUM
My relationship with my slow cooker (eh-hem, slow cooker collection) has not always been rosy. And I must admit there is still some trial and error going on in the 144 household. But I’m getting better! At Christmastime I was trying to figure out how to optimize my cooking options and still serve a delicious…
Seeking stick-with-ya breakfast ideas…Can you help?
I feel like we have fallen into a breakfast rut over here in the 144 household and was hoping a few of you could help me out with some new ideas. Do you have any ideas for protein-packed, low-effort breakfasts I could prepare for my kiddos before heading off to school? I’m looking for ideas…
Frozen Waffles: A Tutorial
My husband and I have decided we need to be more pro-active in showing our kids how to do more for themselves. This morning I decided to show them how to prepare frozen waffles using the toaster and, to make it more exciting, invited my oldest to shoot an instructional video while I taught. In…
My own cookbook of low Points-value recipes
At my weekly weight in I wasn’t too proud of myself, yet I wasn’t too disappointed, either. My weight remained exactly the same. I’ve been losing at such a steady pace that the stop was a bit of a surprise. However I know I didn’t track as closely as I should have over the weekend,…