Category: Health & Beauty
Free Picky Eater Ebook
Do you have some picky eaters in your house? My sister-in-law, a military wife and homeschooling mom of seven who also blogs at The Happy Housewife, (and is a Bible in 90 Days graduate) has come across a few picky eaters in her kitchen and has found some great solutions that she wants to share…
Peanut-Free Lunch and Snack ideas
I just LOVE it when someone is helpful and does something right. My daughter’s school has just made the change this year to be peanut-free. This week I received a letter from the school director that not only alerted us to the policy change, but also explained the seriousness of the allergy and gave us…
Shrink that belly and eliminate back pain
Wanna get rid of back pain? A few ab exercises might do the trick… and your tummy will look better, too! When I began my cycling training, I noticed that my lower back would hurt after every ride. It was quite similar to the pain I experienced when my babies were little and I carried…
Hot rollers are working for me!
Lately I have been writing a LOT about reading the Bible… especially reading it in 90 days along with me beginning January1, but for now I have to set that aside and share something else with you, dear readers. I’m all about being real and, well, the Bible may be as real as you can…
My own cookbook of low Points-value recipes
At my weekly weight in I wasn’t too proud of myself, yet I wasn’t too disappointed, either. My weight remained exactly the same. I’ve been losing at such a steady pace that the stop was a bit of a surprise. However I know I didn’t track as closely as I should have over the weekend,…