Category: Helping Others

  • Using hashtags and Twitter… a crash course

    After “Where do I sign up?” the second most asked-question I’ve received lately about the Bible in 90 Days Challenge has been “How do I use Twitter and what is a hashtag?” Okay, so that was really two questions, but you get the idea. So, if you haven’t signed up on Twitter yet, click this…

  • FTC decision to regulate blog reviews will increase blogger credibility

    Today it was announced that the Federal Trade Commission will begin to regulate bloggers in regards to product reviews, freebies and payment for coverage. Beginning December 1, 2009, writers of web content will be required to disclose goods and services given to them in exchange for such coverage. This is a decision that I wholeheartedly…

  • Welcome BlogHoppers!

    Welcome to Mom’s Toolbox, BlogHoppers and everyone else who is visiting! This summer I’ve been on the go a lot more than I realized I would be, so my blog posts haven’t been as regular as I had anticipated. And, because of that, I’m releasing myself from my self-imposed blogging deadlines for awhile. If you…

  • Twitter: Why I love it and how to get started

    There are a lot of people talking about Twitter right now. I can’t tell you why everyone else loves it, but I can share why I’m glad to have joined in all fun. In a nutshell (or a Twitter-sized, 140-characters-or-less post): I like Twitter’s short, sweet flow of information. And the way it allows me…

  • I love a carnival, a blog carnival, that is

    As a new blogger, I have really enjoyed all the blog carnivals that I’ve come across in the blogoshpere. These features offer a fantastic way to learn about all sorts of other blogs and gather lots of great information. Plus, a few of them have motivated me to get a more home chores done by…

  • Blogging School: Learning how to use some new tools

    If this is the top post, you’ve found me while I’m learning how to self-host. My brother and his wife are teaching me a LOT about this whole blogging thing and we’re still building the new blog. I am truly thankful that they are so willing to share what they have learned with me, although…

  • Why do I write?

    Today I’ve been a little obsessive about the whole blogging thing. I’ve checked my email way too many times, wondering if anyone has posted a comment. And I’ve checked my stats way too many times, as well.  It’s not like I’ve been blogging for long and should expect the readers to come flooding in to…

  • My newest journey

    My devotional time had been lacking. For several weeks I was doing the reading, praying a little, but not really offering much of me and consequently not really listening. I was TIRED and I had to finish the reading before the kids woke. So I glossed over most of it, not really searching, but asking…