Category: Health & Beauty

  • Chew away those calories

    I don’t know about you, but when I bake, my fingers often just happen to fall into the batter or frosting or dip for just one lick. How else could I better slide the rest of it in there without my fingers? (Never mind that a spatula would do the trick, my fingers are right…

  • Let Weight Watching Wednesdays commence!

    Today I got back on track. I swam laps at the Y for 30 minutes and then went to a Weight Watchers meeting. And I was pleasantly surprised that I had only gained 1/2 pound in the 4 weeks I was away. Of course I would have preferred to have lost, but that brings me…

  • Any Healthy Eating readers out there?

    Two weeks ago I invited you to join me in expanding our minds, or sharpening our tools, (if you want a little blog title tie in) by reading new books and sharing our discoveries at least twice a month on Tuesdays. September’s topic is healthy eating, and my original reading choice was “What to Eat”…

  • Why lose weight?

    Today at my weekly Weight Watchers meeting our leader asked us why we are investing in our health. Why do we want to lose weight? She pointed out that joining WW costs money and is quite a lifestyle commitment. Then she asked why we are doing it. One woman who had lost 90 pounds said that…

  • Menu Plan, September 1-7

    Here’s what the 144 family will be dining on this week: Monday Breakfast- waffles with bananas, berries Dinner-left-over grilled chicken from fajita party in stir fry chicken and vegetables Tuesday Breakfast-scrambled egg whites and cheese, toast, yogurt smoothies Dinner–  Chicken and shrimp quesadillas (just grilled chicken and shrimp for mom plus some spinach) broccoli, pineapple…

  • Temptation side-stepped on the WW front

    Today has been a bit challenging on the Weight Watcher front.. but I will overcome! I ended up doing more things out of the house than I had originally planned and it sure was tempting to pick up lunch while running from place to place. I was glad I thought to carry along an apple so I didn’t…

  • Popsicles for breakfast

    This morning, for just a few minutes, I got to be the coolest mom ever. Yesterday I deviated a bit from my meal plan and made smoothies for breakfast using bananas, frozen mixed berries, plain yogurt, a handful of oatmeal and a splash of milk. As yummy as they were, there was still some left…