Category: Mom’s Journal
True Confession of a Fear of Mine
Yesterday I followed the advice given me the day before and reached out to the department chair at a university that I am hoping can and will help me with a project for VineSleuth/ Wine4.Me. In following that advice, though, I had to face one of my fears head on and conquer it. Twice. I…
Last night’s hot date…
Last night I went on a great date. And, although I am married, the date wasn’t with my husband or with my children. My husband, however, encouraged me to go. The evening began with a hand-crafted cocktail, served in a dimly lit room at a table with candles. I definitely felt pampered and enjoyed my…
Working hard and trying to persevere
Last I wrote, aside from the wine events, I told you I was traveling and I’d, essentially, “be right back.” And, well, that didn’t happen. Instead life and work got in the way and I didn’t get right back in the swing of posting SOAP or much else, to be honest. Life is full. Parenting…
The sweetest birthday (cake)
For all we, as moms, try to do to make birthdays special, it is really amazing when it comes right back to you. Last year I was in Spain on a wine media trip for my birthday, so my daughter really got into it this year. She started the day out by giving me a handmade…
Feeling awkward about working
This morning I walked my kids into the church for vacation Bible school. It was the first time for me this week. A friend of mine took them and brought them home Monday, as I was out of town for work. She also took and brought them home Tuesday as I had standing calls. Today…
I saw God yesterday (5/9/2014)
Wow! He really has been everywhere lately! Or, perhaps I should say that I’ve noticed Him a lot more lately. I may not have shared all my sightings, but I’ve certainly seen God all over the place. Recording a few of those sightings and blessings He has been sharing has inspired me to see more.…
I saw God yesterday (4/25/2014)
I love identifying the blessings God sends my way. I may not get them all down, but it’s still been a blast recording a few and sharing them over the past few days. I hope I’m inspiring you to recognize blessings in your own life, big and small. Yesterday I saw God in the following…
I saw God yesterday & the day before (4/23-24/2014)
The last 2 nights have been pretty full. Here are a few ways I’ve seen God over the last two days: Dear, sweet, honest childhood friends and the relationships we’ve kept over the years. Thanks, Jen, Laurie & Stacy for a great evening out Wednesday night– and for all the years leading up to it.…
I saw God today 4/22/14
Today I saw God and His blessings in the following ways: I felt His smile while talking with my kids. My older son’s dry wit really makes me roll my eyes and laugh at the same time and wonder how that tiny baby has grown into this subtly witty guy who can be such a…
I saw God today 4/21/2014
Today I saw God in the following ways: Listening to a friend talk about a new initiative to help moms and children who need it which can keep them from needing foster care. While she spoke, I couldn’t help but wonder what the stirring inside of me that was happening while she was talking meant.…
I saw God today…4/20/14
Today I saw Him. I saw Him in remembering the empty tomb. Even though I am still trying to fully understand and accept his gift in forgiving me, I still see Him there. And am amazed. I saw Him in the gift of a church family that’s been right in front of me for nearly…
Funerals and pretending to be a grownup
I’ve just returned home from attending a memorial service for a childhood friend’s husband. Last week we buried my brother-in-law’s ashes. Y’all, I am barely into my 40s. This is not supposed to be happening. Not yet, anyway.
What I’ve really been up to…
Hi friends. I’ve missed you. I was so touched when several of you read Philippians with me, even though it had been quite awhile since we did any devotionals together. I’ve missed blogging regularly here, but it just has been too much for me to keep up with lately, as much as I hated and…
Thanks for making me a finalist in the Foods From Chile contest!
Guess what? Your votes made me a finalist in the Foods From Chile Next Top Blogger Contest, which means I’m one step closer to an amazing culinary adventure in Chile, thanks to you and your influence on my behalf! THANK YOU SO MUCH! Yesterday I shot a video explaining why I think the judges should…