Category: Inspiration and Joy
Favorite Memories Friday: I LOVED the fourth grade!
It has been a few weeks since I have posted a Favorite Memories Friday feature, and I hope not to skip like that again. I guess I have been too busy making new memories to record many these past few weeks. I haven’t been home for a weekend since October 8. I am soo looking…
On vacation in Florida…
I’m in Florida with my kids for few days, enjoying family, Disney and, hopefully, a space shuttle launch next week. Wanna see what we are up to (and read all about my first day of Disney fails)? Swing on over to my travel blog, and check us out.
Favorite Memories Friday: My Pageant Debut
Through January 7, each of my Favorite Memories Friday posts will follow the ‘memory schedule’ set by Mommy’s Piggy Tales as I record several highlights of my youth, from preschool through high school in 11 posts. (I missed the first post, and yet Janna has graciously allowed me to join in and link my linky…
How do your towels get folded?
My husband doesn’t fold the towels the same way that I do. This troubled me for years. I appreciated that he was helping, but I was always re-folding so that the towels would stack perfectly in the cabinets. Never mind that other clutter was taking over my house, those towel cabinets needed to be straight!…
Favorite Memories Friday: Jupiter, meteors and my silly fears
My brother-in-law, Steve, is a single guy with all sorts of interesting hobbies and, thankfully, he loves to share his experiences. Thursday night he came over with his telescope so that we could all see Jupiter and her four moons. I loved peering through the telescope and seeing those shining balls and marveling at the…
Favorite Memories Friday: An October Circus to Remember
A Guest Post from Janna of Mommy’s Piggy Tales This week I am honored to share a post form Janna of Mommy’s Piggy Tales. Janna is dedicated to helping moms record their stories for generations to come. At the end of this post she’ll share with you how you, too, can share your story. I…
Favorite Memories Friday: Celebrating my first Bible in 90 Days victory
About seven years ago I went to my local James Avery store and picked out a gold charm for my charm bracelet. As I paid for it, I had to fight back tears. These were tears of pride, joy and appreciation. I couldn’t help but gush to the sales lady, “I just finished reading the…
Why host a foreign exchange student?
Sure there are lots of really good, respectable reasons to host a foreign exchange student. Today, though, I have a few others… An extra child in the family means an extra birthday party and birthday cake. (Ya gotta celebrate her birthday, too!) It will definitely motivate you to clear out that extra bedroom that has…
I wish there wasn’t a Tour de Pink
Although I had not been in training mode AT ALL, I hopped on my bike and cycled 63 miles in the Tour de Pink yesterday. And here’s why: I don’t want any more names on those banners. I don’t want there to be a need for the Tour de Pink. The Tour de Pink is…
Back in the saddle to battle breast cancer
It’s been awhile and I’m a bit rusty, but I’m about to hop on my bike for the Tour de Pink, an organized bike ride to raise awareness of and funds to beat breast cancer and support those who are affected by it. Every spring I think I’m going to take the 100-mile option in…
Air Pong
First, the boys were playing Ping Pong on the dining room table. Next, they started blowing the balls across the game. Then my husband asked if we had two hairdryers…
A God-Sized Dream…
I love stories of those who step out in true faith and obedience to God. I love those who dare to dream God-sized dreams and those who jump right in and help make them happen. When I came across a link to this one I couldn’t help but be moved to tears and want to…
Favorite Memories Friday: No AP English homework?
I will never forget one fuzzy yet glorious morning back in high school. Well, sort of in high school… A friend from out of town had flown in to visit and we had a late night out. When I woke, she was still asleep. I didn’t want to wake her, so I slipped out of…
A quick trip to St. Louis
My husband and I got home last night after a quick kid-free trip to St. Louis to celebrate his cousin’s wedding. We had a wonderful time relaxing, visiting and even getting in a bit of quick sightseeing. And now we still get to enjoy the day off school and work with our kids. Perfect! If…
Favorite Memories Friday: The cycling adventure that started it all
At about this time three years ago I started thinking, really thinking, about riding in the MS 150, a two-day bicycle ride from Houston to Austin which raises money for and awareness of Multiple Sclerosis. No, I wasn’t a cyclist at the time. I think I had been on a bicycle 5 times since the…