Category: Inspiration and Joy
Favorite Memories Friday: Roller Skating
This summer my children and I began to really enjoy roller skating together. After visiting the roller rink a few times, I even bought a pair of skates for my daughter and a pair for me so we can skate in our neighborhood together while the boys are in school. Each time I lace up…
Favorite Memories Friday: A Thrilling Birthday
Not too long ago I celebrated my birthday with my mom, my sister-in-law (whom some of you know as Toni, The Happy Housewife), Joy of Five J’s and two other friends. Between celebration destination number one and celebration destination number two, I apologized profusely for my lack of planning and had to stop to fill…
Guest Chef Night a.k.a Cooking Lessons
Tonight we started cooking lessons at our house. Not that I am a great chef or anything but I am a mom and I can cook some things and I think it is my job to teach my kids how to cook. Last week I got out the calendar and decided that every Tuesday night…
Favorite Memories Friday: My beautiful bridesmaids
Today begins a new weekly feature on MomsToolbox: Favorite Memories Friday. Here I invite you to reminisce with me as we share a favorite memory and get all warm and fuzzy about the gifts God has provided. This week I have my wedding on my mind… My husband and I just celebrated 11 years of…
Preparing for a cross-cultural experience
As you read this, it is quite possible I am at the airport with my family, armed with chocolate chip cookies, greeting and welcoming the newest member of our family. You might have already read a bit about us hosting another foreign exchange student this year and we are all quite excited to meet her.…
Using a shared journal to open teen communication
I have not been a parent of a teen for long and, unlike most parents, I didn’t get to make way into it day by day. It happened in just one day. And it is about to happen again. You see, my husband and I were foreign exchange parents last year and are about to…
Favorite Memories Friday: Coming Soon to
I love to reminisce. I love to get all dreamy-eyed and talk about my favorite memories… Sometimes it makes my husband a little crazy. Every time we drive near where I lived as a child, I start getting all nostalgic. I talk about eating Jelly Bellies and dots during sleepovers, getting my braces tightened, riding…
Peanut-Free Lunch and Snack ideas
I just LOVE it when someone is helpful and does something right. My daughter’s school has just made the change this year to be peanut-free. This week I received a letter from the school director that not only alerted us to the policy change, but also explained the seriousness of the allergy and gave us…
Shaving Cream + Toddler or Preschooler= More shower time for mom
I always knew that kids love to play with shaving cream. About one year ago I realized what a lifesaver it can be in the shower… and I’m not just talking about for your legs! When I bring my daughter into the shower with me, I get her clean first and then I squirt a…
Our family is growing again. Internationally. And I could use your teen advice!
The last time I used a headline like that (leaving out the international part) I heard there were a lot of whispers and confusion. So let’s just get this right out there: No, I am not pregnant. And no, we are not adopting. Well not exactly… Our family is preparing to welcome a German teenager…
There is only a little bit of summer left
I don’t know about you, but when I’m home, I see so many things that need to get done that I end up focusing on those rather than my kids. This week I spent more time than I would like to admit working on a few things at home and, at the end of the…
I’ve had a house full of fun!
This week I wasn’t sure if it would be just me and two of my children or a house full. (My husband is away at the World Cup for a few more days and my oldest is at his first year of summer camp.) It’s been a house full. And a lot of fun! PS:…
What should I serve to my 13 houseguests?
Next week my husband will be in South Africa, loving every second of being a true football (as the rest of the world calls it) fan. He has been planning this trip for four years, just after we got back from the last trip we took so he could go to the World Cup. I…
Unplugging for a week
I’m taking this week to soak up my family and get summer started sans internet. Not that I don’t love y’all and feel as though I have this amazing cyber-family out there, too. But… I’ll continue my reading through Psalms and hope that you will, too. I just won’t be posting each day. Here is…
Shrink that belly and eliminate back pain
Wanna get rid of back pain? A few ab exercises might do the trick… and your tummy will look better, too! When I began my cycling training, I noticed that my lower back would hurt after every ride. It was quite similar to the pain I experienced when my babies were little and I carried…