Category: Inspiration and Joy
Reader question: Does God answer prayer?
A few days ago I got an email from a reader asking a question I think most of us ponder. Does god answer prayer? I have prayed and prayed for loved ones and they have died and gone to He** without knowing Jesus. How can I keep on believing knowing where they are? As I…
What an amazing MS 150!
I am still on such a high from completing the BP MS 150 bicycle ride from Houston to Austin yesterday afternoon. I had the two best rides of my life to date. It was absolutely amazing. I cannot thank those of you who prayed for me enough. Those prayers certainly came through and I had…
Proverbs SOAP: Please help with my cheerful heart
Scripture: Proverbs 17:22 A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up bones. Observation: Having the right frame of mind can make all the difference… A happy outlook brings healing. Application: Today and tomorrow I and 12,999 cyclists are riding in a bicycle ride from Houston to Austin (about 180 miles) to…
May I ride for you?
In just three wake-ups I’ll be rising, braiding my hair, smearing on anti-chaffing cream and sunscreen, slipping on my cycling shorts and getting ready to clip in for the first day of the MS 150, a 180-mile bicycle ride from Houston to Austin to raise funding for those directly impacted by Multiple Sclerosis. I wrote…
One very hilly, very windy, confidence-building ride
Last weekend I asked for you to pray for me as I faced a 68-mile hilly training ride called the Bluebonnet Express. In the past, the Bluebonnet Express has been one of my favorite training rides for the MS 150 and last week, although much more challenging than I expected, it remained a favorite. I…
Cyclin’ Against Multiple Sclerosis
Tomorrow morning I’ll be clipping in for 68 miles of beautiful weather, rolling hills and glorious time just cycling away while pondering, praying and thanking God that I have the ability to ride as I do. (And I think I’m going to wear a Bible in 90 Days cycling jersey that Ted Cooper had printed…
Ready for the next step
I’m making some special cupcakes and have to stop to run an errand. But my kitchen waits… ready for the next step. (I can’t wait to try it out in a bit!!)
Seeking Mentor Mom Wisdom and Stories
Are you a mom who has children in their tewnties or older and have a story to tell? Or do you know a mom who is, whose wisdom you think another younger mom could benefit from reading? I’d love to launch a new feature on where we could all learn from the wisdom of…
Seeking stick-with-ya breakfast ideas…Can you help?
I feel like we have fallen into a breakfast rut over here in the 144 household and was hoping a few of you could help me out with some new ideas. Do you have any ideas for protein-packed, low-effort breakfasts I could prepare for my kiddos before heading off to school? I’m looking for ideas…
Blissdom Fashion
Okay, here is where I reveal to you that I have a secret blogging double-life. I also blog at and today I’ve invited all the bloggers attending Blissdom, which I hear will be a super-fun blogging convention in Nashville in a few weeks, to share with the rest of us what they plan to…
Back in the saddle again… with a major score!
Last October you might have read about my second rained-out MS 150 experience of the year. Well, um, I am embarrassed to admit that since then my bike has been quite cozy in the garage. But this morning, at the invitation of a friend and training buddy, I got back in the saddle to start…
Clearing out old toys– I need your help!
This week, Works for Me Wednesday enables bloggers to ask readers for help and boy do I EVER need your help! My house is filled to the brim with items that I just might need… someday. And it is time for that to stop. Now. I MEAN it. Asking you to help in decluttering my…
B 90 Days: Confession Time
I’ve been with my family on vacation since the Bible in 90 Days kickoff. And, well, actually since a few days before that. We stayed mostly with family, but you might have also seen me in the halls of The Great Wolf Lodge reading my Bible and posting while my family slept in New Year’s…
- goals for 2010
When I started this blog, I did so mainly because I wanted to write something and because I bought the domain name many years prior and thought I should put it to use. And my sister-in-law was blogging like crazy, loved it and encouraged me… a LOT. (She still does all of that and I…
Hot rollers are working for me!
Lately I have been writing a LOT about reading the Bible… especially reading it in 90 days along with me beginning January1, but for now I have to set that aside and share something else with you, dear readers. I’m all about being real and, well, the Bible may be as real as you can…