Category: Inspiration and Joy
Why we love Sweet Tomatoes
Tonight I decided to take the kids to Sweet Tomatoes for dinner. If you aren’t familiar with Sweet Tomatoes, it is a fantastically yummy salad bar place that also has delicious soups, breads, pastas and frozen yogurt (with super sweet trimmings) for dessert, among other things. The food is fresh and there are tons of…
My own cookbook of low Points-value recipes
At my weekly weight in I wasn’t too proud of myself, yet I wasn’t too disappointed, either. My weight remained exactly the same. I’ve been losing at such a steady pace that the stop was a bit of a surprise. However I know I didn’t track as closely as I should have over the weekend,…
Another Pound Bites the Dust…
This week I’m down another pound… woo-hooo! I am so glad I made the commitment to go back to Weight Watchers and (duh) follow the plan because it really works for me. What has really helped me this time, though, is the iPhone application Weight Watchers has finally released. This application enables me to determine…
SOAP: I’m a fisher of men, alright.
Scripture: Mark 1:17 “Come follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men.” Observation: Jesus is speaking with two men who are casting nets to catch fish. He tells them to follow Him for a whole new type of fishing. Application: This scripture always makes me smile. In my single days I…
Napa put a speed bump in my weight loss journey
After my amazing weight loss victory from last week, I continued to lose another pound… until I boarded the plane for California last Thursday for an amazing long weekend in the wine country. Sure, I could have waited until after the trip to start back at Weight Watchers, but then I’d probably be in more…
Thoughts on observing the Sabbath
Today I had a tough time finding one verse from the reading to focus on. So instead I am going to expand on a comment I received about my SOAP entry on the Sabbath. My commenter asked a few specific questions in honoring the Sabbath. Should I travel? Is it okay to watch football? My…
Last week I lost 5.6 pounds!
This past week I lost 5.6 pounds following the Weight Watchers plan. I’m thinking Weight Watching Wednesdays will be back with a vengeance!! That’s a lot to lose in a week, so I think I should explain… I re-joined WeightWatchers last Monday after struggling with a few pounds. I am a Weight Watchers Lifetime member,…
MS Alamo Ride to the River
I wrote this last Sunday and have intended to finish and post it almost everyday since then. Well, it is still not finished (much like every MS fundraising ride in Texas this year) but the heart is still there (also like those rides). And besides, today I officially move on to the next ride. I’m…
MS Ride 2009: Take Two
As many of you know, my husband I signed up and attempted the 2009 MS 150 from Houston to Austin earlier this year. Except the first day was canceled due to weather and on day two I was only able to ride 26 miles due to terrible food poisoning. (Is there any other kind?) I…
Lemon Cheesecake Bar Disaster
Aaaargh. I was feeling like such the model mom a few moments ago. (That’s when you need to watch out, I think!!) My daughter and I had just baked a yummy pan of lemon cheesecake bars and slipped them into the oven. Then she settled down for a sweet nap. My wonderful cleaning ladies were…
SOAP: Taste and see that the Lord is good
Scripture: Psalm 34: 8 Taste and see that the Lord is good; Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him. Observation: Try out the Lord. You will see that He is good and those who turn to Him are blessed. Application: I came upon this verse through Chapter 13 of The Power of a…
My Danish teenage daughter started American high school today…
Emma, our Danish daughter, just left for her first day of American high school. She is not my daughter, and yet, she is. I feel so excited for her, and yet have butterflies in my stomach, as I know she does, too. When I walk my own children (ages 3, 6 and almost 8 years)…
6 weeks ’till MS Ride to the River. Gulp!
I have 6 weeks to prepare for the MS Ride to the River, a two-day, 175-mile bicycle ride from San Antonio to New Braunfels and back benefiting the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. This morning I rode and had a wake-up call to really get in gear so as to not be miserable for the ride…
New Zealand Bungee Jump… a few years back
I recently came across this story I wrote a few years ago about my first (and only) bungee jump. This took place before my mommy days began. Rather than let it sit any longer on my computer unused, I thought I might share… I remember watching a show about people safely flinging themselves off bridges…