Category: Inspiration and Joy

  • Reality Check

    It is REALLY late (or really early– depends on how you look at things) and I should be in bed and not blogging… so this will be brief. I’ve just returned from a roadtrip to a family reunion that was absolutely fantastic with a sidetrip thrown in, as well. I am absolutely tired, but am…

  • I LoVermont! A quick wrap-up.

    As I type this I am flying home from a fantastic vacation in Vermont. *** Okay, oops. This was when I typed it, but that was two whole weeks ago. Sorry for the delay. Back to the story…*** I am sorry if you missed my SOAP posts last week… the internet connection where we were…

  • 12 inches of hair to make someone else’s life more beautiful

    Today I had two ponytails, each 12 inches long, cut off to donate to Beautiful Lengths, an organization that uses ponytails at least eight inches in length to make wigs that are distributed free of cost to women battling cancer. I had heard a lot about Locks of Love in the past, but opted to…

  • SOAP: Do the right thing

    Scripture: Proverbs 22:1 Choose a good reputation over great riches, for being held in high esteem is better than having silver or gold. Observation: It is more important to do what is right than to do what will bring money. Application: This is something that I really want my children to understand. Sure, money brings…

  • Green beans, anyone?

    I am sorry I haven’t posted in the past few days. I took a quick trip to Maryland with my daughter to celebrate my brother’s promotion to Lieutenant Commander in the US Navy. The trip was quick and, although I did most of my Bible reading, I didn’t journal about it or post. But today…

  • SOAP: A love tsunami

    Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 3:12 And may the Lord make your love grow and overflow to each other and to everyone else, just as our love overflows toward you. Observation: With God’s guidance, your love can grow to immeasurable qualities that you can share with all around you. Application: I want to be a love tsunami.…

  • Our family is about to grow…

    No, stop. I am not pregnant (at least I don’t think I am). We are simply planning to open our home to a Danish teenager we have known for quite some time later this summer. Her dad and my husband were soccer teammates in high school before her dad fell madly in love with a…

  • Adjusting to motherhood was a challenge for me at first

    I am sorry this post is late. I had promised it by Friday… but motherhood and real life must have got in the way. And I have to be okay with that… Becoming a mom for the first time was not the most natural thing for me. Well, okay so BECOMING a mom was natural, but…

  • Mother’s Day reading… Mars Needs Moms!

    This weekend I was away from my family. While I was gone, my husband picked up a Berkeley Breathed (Bloom County, Opus) book at Walgreens called Mars Needs Moms. My first grader just read it to me and it was pretty cute. Apparently, there aren’t any moms on Mars, so a few Martians try to…

  • My mom’s first time mom story…

    I asked my mom to write about her experience as a first time mom for my first-time mom story round up and giveaway.  (If you haven’t linked up, please do.) Here’s what she had to say… Some things are expected and some catch you by surprise Some things are expected and some catch you by…

  • The sad tale of my 2009 MS 150 experience

    This is me, ready to roll. Well, sort of… The good news is that I am at my Weight Watchers goal weight for the first time in more than one year. The bad news is that I didn’t get there the right way, so it likely won’t last. And, of course, how I got there…

  • Not such a good ride for me this year

    I have a post about Sunday’s MS 150 ride half-written. I am just not in the mood to finish it. I don’t like to admit defeat. I trained. I prepared. I hydrated. And then I rode in the SAG wagon. I (unknowingly) ate unwell the night before and then lost most of it after 26…

  • We’re rolling!

    Day 2 of the MS 150 is on and my husband and I are riding… Yippee!! I need to be brief as we are leaving our house in a few minutes and I still need to get a few things together. Sorry for no SOAP… I’ll be reading in the car on the way to…

  • I will praise God, even as part of the MS 150 is cancelled

    Scripture: Psalm 34:1 I will praise the Lord at all times. I will constantly speak of his praises. Observation: No matter what, I will always speak great things about the Lord. Application: Today I am a bit down. The first day of the MS 150 has been cancelled due to weather. I realized this is…

  • Day one of MS 150 is cancelled

    I am so bummed. The weather in Texas is stopping the MS 150 this weekend. Day One, from Houston to La Grange is definitely off.  Day Two, from La Grange to Austin, is still under consideration. I am stunned and sad. And that’s all I have to say right now. I cannot believe it.