Category: Inspiration and Joy
My mom sent me over the top…
Ya gotta love moms. I had set a fundraising goal of $2,000 for this year’s MS 150. Last year I raised more, but I decided to be a bit conservative this year, with the economy the way it is. (Not that MS knows anything about the economy, but I digress.) I’ve been receiving emails from…
Seeking advice for cycling in the rain
The weather forecast for this weekend doesn’t look so glorious for the MS 150 ride from Houston to Austin. It actually looks quite thunderstorm-y. Yuck Lightening I will not do, but rain I will. I’ve got a few ideas for cycling in the rain like brake early and that sort of thing. I also plan…
Getting ready for some hills…
This Sunday morning, weather permitting, I plan to be in Bastrop, Texas climbing the hills of two state parks, among my 80 miles of that day’s cycling for the MS 150 ride. (I say weather permitting because the weather forecast looks a little messy right now.) The weekend before Easter I cycled through the parks,…
Photos from the Bluebonnet Express
When I rode in the Bluebonnet Express, an MS 150 training ride, a few weeks ago I had every intention of blogging about the 80-mile experience. But, well, so many other things came up and I never got around to it. Here is my experience in one word: AWESOME! I prayed for a confidence-boosting ride…
Pondering the Easter celebration…
Not too long ago I was collecting opinions on the Nintendo DS when a friend suggested that a DS might make a nice Easter present. Easter present? We don’t give our kids Easter gifts. I typically do buy new clothes for the kids for Easter Sunday and the Easter Bunny does fill baskets with candy…
Carbohydrate Power Smoothie
A few friends have asked what type of smoothie I drink before a long ride. I found this one in The Ultimate Smoothie Book and modified by adding ice. It has 31.1g carbohydrates and I love it! I usually drink it with peanut butter and banana toast and also lots of water on my way…
Another request for MS 150 support
This is a letter I just sent to many of my ‘real-life’ friends. I do want/ need/ desire for you to consider supporting me through prayer. I do NOT want any of my cyber-friends (or anyone, for that matter) to feel obligated to contribute financially. That being said, please read on… I finally have pedaled…
My kids LOVE to clear the table
At the end of almost every family meal around our table, our kids can’t wait to clear the table and they giggle through almost all of it. How is it so much fun? Is our house really that cool? Well, let’s just say I have a clever (and fun ) husband. My husband has made…
80 mile cycling menu
I was just packing my snacks for the 80 mile bicycle ride tomorrow and it occurred to me that my menu might make for some interesting reading. I know when I was first learning about distance cycling I was very curious as to what I should eat. The ride tomorrow will be an excellent training…
Too slow at 15.8 mph?
Last Friday I was able to ride with a dear MS 150 training buddy from last year. She went back to work, so it’s been a challenge for us to find ride time together. I knew she would be off work last week, so I arranged a sitter Friday morning and met her where a…
Long overdue de-clutter for my 7 year-old
Not too long ago I hosted a party with a bunch of sweet three-year-old princesses and their siblings. I think they all had a fantastic time… but they also used some of their magic powers to destroy my seven-year-old’s bedroom. He was not so impressed. And I couldn’t really blame him. So, at bedtime, we…
A sticky fishy transformation
This past weekend I stuck a bunch of really big fish decals on my son’s walls in hopes of making it look a bit more aquatic and fun. I am pretty excited as to how it turned out. Fortunately, he is, too. I ordered the decals (stickers? home accents?) through an Uppercase Living party. I…
Me? A prayer warrior?
A friend of mine just called to ask me to pray for her and some of her family members. That was the whole purpose for her call. I am so honored to be one that she called. No one has ever called me just for that purpose. I am a regular gal who just happens…
Wow! The Children’s Museum of Houston is getting even better!
The Children’s Museum of Houston is about to premiere a brand new expansion that doubles the size of the museum and it is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!! (Yes, I realize capitalizing on the web is the equivalent of shouting and should be reserved for the most appropriate moments. Well, this IS one!!!) And, by the way… Do I…
Can you help me with the 2009 MS 150?
I’m not sure of the netiquette of all this. I hope this post will not offend anyone in any way. If you are willing to support me in any way, I would tremendously appreciate it. This is the letter I sent to many of my real-life friends. Please, read on… Oh my goodness I can…