Category: Inspiration and Joy
This from a girl who didn’t understand the whole “praying for strangers thing” about a year ago…
Wow. I am so moved I can’t even write/ type. Bear with me. A friend of a bloggy friend has a child with cancer. Yes, I know that unfortunately there are many, many children and grown-ups out there with cancer. But this family has already lost one child to cancer. (And yes, I know there…
Getting ready to be Cupid
Before I officially begin this post, I need to ask my neighbors to leave. Sorry guys. I just don’t want to ruin it for you. Are you gone? Okay, now that it’s just us, and you don’t live in my neighborhood, I have to share what’s brewing at the 144 house: This morning on the…
Where can I get some patience?
I am not the most patient parent in the world… or even in my house sometimes. But I am working on it, as you could tell from my 2009 goals. I yell less than I used to, not that I am proud to write that. But I am trying to go with honesty here. Even…
Salad Saturday #2
My apologies to those among us who do not like fruit on your salad. Here’s another fruity one: This week I intended to have basic taco salad, but, as I was cutting fruit for my kids to enjoy with their tacos, I got a little creative. And then I wanted some. First, I chopped apples,…
Sweet, healthier, snack ideas
Hope this list helps you. I’m printing it and keeping it inside my pantry door so I always have the ideas handy. Don’t forget to keep portion sizes in check. Measure out what you plan to eat and put the rest away. If you think want more, have a full glass of water first and…
I need to throw Baby Jesus away… but how can I?
Check out this Baby Jesus my two year-old “made” at church in December: And she loves him. She kisses him, hugs him, and cares for him often better than her baby dolls. But he is a potato. When is he going to start smelling bad? He’s already getting a little soft. But he is pretty…
Salad Saturday #1
Yesterday I decided that I would try out a new salad each week and post about it every Saturday. My goal in doing this is to find healthy eating options without getting stuck in a rut. Are there enough salads so I can actually try a new (healthy) one and write about it each weekend?…
A few goals for 2009
As promised, here is a second pass at my goals for 2009: 1. Return to my Weight Watchers goal weight by Valentine’s Day. (6 weeks) Depending on what time and what day I weigh myself, this could be 5 to 9 pounds. How am I gonna do it? 1. Journal every bite I eat 2. …
I hope to achive my 2009 goals.. Once I set them!
Here we are, on the brink of 2009, and if you’re like me, on the brink of some new goal-setting/new year’s resolution making. I’m still playing with my goals for the year… I want to make good ones that I can really achieve. I am a miserable birthday card sender. (And, on that note, I’m…
I’m an advent calendar loser
So, if you’ve read anything here lately you probably noticed that I kind of like the whole advent calendar idea. I have mine up and I’ve been opening and following each day’s suggestion: praying, reading, doing things with the family. And feeling a little proud of myself. This morning my 7-year-old asked me when we…
Life is getting in the way of blogging
I am sorry I haven’t posted much in the past few days. Please don’t give up on me. (I’m collecting lots of material, though.) I’m away from home with the kiddos and being a mom away from home (while under the weather) has certainly kept me busy! I thought I would be able to get…
Mommy’s exercise sticker chart
Okay, so it’s not exactly a sticker chart, but it’s pretty much the same idea. I’ve been having a tough time getting myself motivated to actually get the simple exercise done that I need to do. I’m even slacking on my super-simple ab exercise which really does get results… but only if you do them.…
What should I pack?
We’re launching into a heavy travel season again. And if you are going “over the river and through the woods,” or something like that, in the next couple of weeks, I bet you’ve got lots of lists building in your head. Lists of what to pack, what to buy, what to borrow, what to do,…
Tune in tomorrow
If you live near Houston and you just can’t get enough of me online, tune in to KTBU-TV, The Tube, Channel 55 tomorrow (Friday) at 1 pm. or Sunday at 9 p.m. I’ll be chatting about holiday travel with the kiddos with my friend Lara Bell on her show, Wild about Houston. We’ll talk about…
High heels are working for us
Incase you’ve been hiding under a rock or perhaps your family is financially supported in a way that is completely US economy-proofed, I thought I’d share this with you: The markets have been a little crazy and a lot down lately. This has led to a rise in stress level for my dh, whose job…