Category: Inspiration and Joy
November Reading Club: Service
When the idea for the monthly discussion group/ reading club first came to me, the reading was not supposed to be of the Christian “guided self-help” genre. I wanted us to grow our minds beyond reading about our faith. But I’m making a change this month. Last week I shared this month’s reading topic: Service.…
Weight Watching Wednesday- Halloween’s Aftermath
We still have Halloween candy at our house. And I can’t bear to just toss it all in the trash (although a few handfuls have gone in each day). This morning, though, I asked the kids if they would like to set most of it aside to use for decorating baked goods in December… and…
Amy is Great for 2008
Back in 1985 I thought I would grow up and become President of the United States. Yes, I really did. I wrote letters to President Reagan asking how I could prepare and I even launched a full campaign in my junior high, complete with posters, buttons and catchy slogans. (The most-used slogan is above.)The principal…
November is all about service
My discussion group friends should be in here an about a half an hour. We are going to wrap up October’s topic of finance over dinner, wine and dessert. I am looking forward not only to sharing a meal with friends, but also to hearing what everyone else has to say about their books. (We…
It’s another Fit Friday!
Oh my goodness am I tired… and a bit smelly. But before I hop in the shower I thought I would share. Last week I shared some simple ab exercises, with the intention of getting back on track and doing them every night. Well, I got an F there.. I missed three out of seven…
It’s faith that brings the healing
Scripture: Mark 5:34 He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.” Observation: This is Jesus talking to a woman who, looking for healing after years of bleeding and suffering, merely touched Jesus’ clothes and was healed. She didn’t even need to talk with him,…
Scrapbook and Craft Storage
Last week The Organizing Junkie listed a few fun scrapbook organizing tools. This month she is focusing on organizing craft areas, but doesn’t have one herself. That isn’t stopping her from coming up with all sorts of creative solutions. Her post last week made me think about my craft room and scrapbook tool storage. I…
Weight Watching Wednesday: Drink it, Baby. Drink it!
I know I’ve mentioned before how important it is to drink water, and I’m sure you’ve heard it plenty of times from other sources. But I’m going to say it again: Drink that water! Good ol’ H20 can make a huge difference in your health… and your weight. You can’t flush out all the bad…
Wicked sweet Halloween cake
This afternoon I prepared this spooktacular cake using my castle Bundt pan for our street’s pumpkin carving soiree: Again, not along the lines of my healthy eating pledge, but definitely fun for the kids! I cannot wait to show them! I had to perform a bit of surgery, but I don’t think anyone will notice:…
Just say no to muffin top
My first Fit Friday post. And now a Works for Me Wednesday post, too. Because it did… and it will again! Not too long ago a friend of mine launched Fit Friday in an effort to shed a few pounds and encourage others to do the same. At about the same time I trudged my…
Weight Watching Wednesday- Educate yourself on your options
I’m sorry I didn’t get this posted earlier… Last night I had a hot mid-week date with my husband and that kind of threw me off my schedule. If you are following me on Twitter, you might have noticed that I was a little unhappy yesterday with my lack of progress on the Weight Watcher’s…
Money, Money, Money Month reminder
All you readers out there learning about money with me this month, here’s a heads up: Tomorrow is Tuesday, so I’ll be posting an update as to what I’ve learned in my reading of The Millionaire Next Door then. If you are also reading any books on finances/ money, please consider posting on your blog…
Weight Watching Wednesday: Smart Snacking
Snacking gets a bad rap… because it is most often junk that we snack on. But if you change that to healthy snacks, and plan for them, you could actually be doing your body a favor. At Weight Watchers, they suggest you eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. And I would bet…
Chew away those calories
I don’t know about you, but when I bake, my fingers often just happen to fall into the batter or frosting or dip for just one lick. How else could I better slide the rest of it in there without my fingers? (Never mind that a spatula would do the trick, my fingers are right…
Let Weight Watching Wednesdays commence!
Today I got back on track. I swam laps at the Y for 30 minutes and then went to a Weight Watchers meeting. And I was pleasantly surprised that I had only gained 1/2 pound in the 4 weeks I was away. Of course I would have preferred to have lost, but that brings me…