Category: Inspiration and Joy
Money Money Money
Now that I’ve got your attention, I’ll explain: I’m really tired. And I should really be in bed sleeping. So I’d love to tell you all about the ladies’ discussion group I hosted tonight and all the interesting things we discussed about September’s reading topic of healthy eating. But I am exhausted. So I’ll try…
Who knew Boy Scouting could make me cry?
Yesterday I finally made it to the Scout Shop to buy needed Tiger Cub supplies. This is my son’s first year in Boy Scouts, something I hoped would happen and really just kind of assumed would happen. My dad was a Boy Scout. My brother was a Boy Scout. I was a Girl Scout and my…
Any Healthy Eating readers out there?
Two weeks ago I invited you to join me in expanding our minds, or sharpening our tools, (if you want a little blog title tie in) by reading new books and sharing our discoveries at least twice a month on Tuesdays. September’s topic is healthy eating, and my original reading choice was “What to Eat”…
Thanks to those who keep us safe
It is so easy to forget what our soldiers are doing all over the world for us. It is so easy to get caught up in the politics of it all and not realize that those soldiers are real people, following orders to keep us safe so we can live our lives in almost any…
Take a break from Ike… It’s Vegas, baby!
While Ike was pummeling Houston, I was off gallivanting about in Las Vegas, celebrating a friend’s wedding. So when I wasn’t checking my email (members of my MOPS group in Houston were sending status updates to each other), checking Houston weather blogs, and calling my husband with information updates that I was able to collect…
Random thoughts on my Hurricane Ike experience
Driving north out of Houston Monday night I saw 20 -30 utility trucks heading south into the Houston area. I saw tanker trucks likely filled with much-needed gas and several container trucks, hopefully filled with food and other needed supplies. My cell phone battery was nearing exhaustion. With my charger already in Dallas, and not…
Cleaning out the ‘fridge, Ike-style
Sunday I returned home for a few hours. I was fortunate enough to catch a stand-by direct flight to Houston, and, to make it an even better, I had driven myself to the airport Thursday, so my husband’s car was there waiting for me. Cha-ching! I was so glad to be getting closer to my…
Ike Update
A tree fell on my neighbor’s house, opening the roof. I hear my husband is out there now helping to cover it with a tarp. Lots of trees are down in our area and no one near our house has power. My sister-in-law, who is not an alarmist, is at our house with her boys…
Wanna sharpen some tools with me?
I would like to invite you to join me for a virtual discussion/ reading group so we can sharpen our minds, learn from some interesting writers, learn from each other and have fun in the process. I know, I know… if you’re like me, before motherhood or even career-life kicked in, you read much more…
Pink Pedal Power!
Sunday morning I’ll be back in the saddle for the first time since, um, June, cycling in the Tour de Pink, a ride to raise money for and awareness of the battle against breast cancer. When I first set my sights on this ride I thought I would ride the 80 mile route. I knew…
Why lose weight?
Today at my weekly Weight Watchers meeting our leader asked us why we are investing in our health. Why do we want to lose weight? She pointed out that joining WW costs money and is quite a lifestyle commitment. Then she asked why we are doing it. One woman who had lost 90 pounds said that…
Temptation side-stepped on the WW front
Today has been a bit challenging on the Weight Watcher front.. but I will overcome! I ended up doing more things out of the house than I had originally planned and it sure was tempting to pick up lunch while running from place to place. I was glad I thought to carry along an apple so I didn’t…