Category: Inspiration and Joy

  • Popsicles for breakfast

    This morning, for just a few minutes, I got to be the coolest mom ever. Yesterday I deviated a bit from my meal plan and made smoothies for breakfast using bananas, frozen mixed berries, plain yogurt, a handful of oatmeal and a splash of milk. As yummy as they were, there was still some left…

  • Fun book review: The Bright Side of Disaster

    Yesterday afternoon I began reading The Bright Side of Disaster by Katherine Center, a tale of a young woman and her journey into single motherhood.  I just finished it, about 24 hours later, if that gives you any idea how addicting it was. And then I read every word of her acknowledgements, the Q &…

  • Don’t hate me because I scrapbook

    I had no idea scrapbooking was such a controversial subject until I read Lysa TerKeurst’s post and the comments that ensued. So many women commented on why they didn’t scrapbook or why they were so behind and they felt guilty. It kind of made me sad. I am a scrapbooker. I enjoy chronicling the events…

  • Yet I will rejoice

    Scripture: Habakkuk 3:18-19 18Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my Savior. 19 The Sovereign Lord is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to go on the heights. Observation: Many of the verses before this one talk about destruction, yet…

  • What is faith?

    Today I read Hebrews 11 and, wow, I’m really enjoying Hebrews. It covers a lot of fantastic points about being a believer.  If you haven’t read it, I recommend you give it a go. Read the whole thing or, if you want to follow along with me, there are only two chapters left after today.…

  • Sin, forgiveness and growing together

    This morning some of my reading covered Hebrews 10. I’ve really enjoyed all the Hebrews readings, but they have presented me quite a challenge in trying to stick with my journaling format. So I’m breaking out today. Hebrews 10:17 Then he adds: “Their sins and lawless acts I will remember no more.” (The part in…

  • My story

    A part of my reading today took me through Psalm 73, which compares the earthly success of the wicked in comparison to the eternal rewards of the righteous.  Yikes, just typing wicked vs. righteous sounds pretty big to me. I don’t see myself falling completely into either of those camps, yet that’s how we are…

  • Just give me a little piece of quiet As one of the many gifts of my Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) membership one year, I received a copy of Lorilee Craker’s Just give me a little piece of quiet. The cover says it contains 60 mini-retreats for a mom’s soul, and that it does, my friend. Each retreat begins and ends with a verse…

  • What a rush! My first MS 150 experience…

    I don’t even know how to begin describing my first MS 150 weekend.  Guess I’ll try to do it chronologically… Our friends Ami & Steven, together with their one year-old, came by to pick us up at 5:15 Saturday morning. This would be Steven’s 4th MS 150. He’s the one who got us involved with…

  • I did it!

    Yesterday I finished my first MS 150 ride… 168 miles cycled between two days, riding from Houston to Austin, TX. Wow! What a fantastic experience! I wish I was up for writing more right now. To be honest, though, I’m a little tired so the full story will have to wait. But I can say this… it…

  • A quick ride

    This morning I rode with a new group of cyclists and had a fantastic time, once I stopped apologizing for holding everyone back! I think they are typically much faster than I am, but they were all very polite, yet still kept me challenged. Right at the start my bike was making a strange noise…

  • Drafting Day at the Bluebonnet Express

    My plan for today’s ride was to learn how to draft by riding with my husband and a friend until I decided I could no longer keep up. Well, that worked for about 6 miles. Then I spent about 2 miles trying to get close enough to tell them to leave me. These guys started…

  • Gearing Up to Camp Out

    Have you ever tried out a new sleeping bag while wearing a shortish skirt at the outdoor goods store? Well, now I have. (Fortunately I left my wedge heels in the car and opted for the flip-flops for easier maneuverability while power-shopping during my last big gear-up trip.) After climbing into two bags, rolling over and…

  • Today’s Ride

    length: 33.22 miles average speed: 14.6 mph maximum speed: 23.5 mph 2:16:31 average heartrate: 73% of max maximum heartrate: 90% of max

  • Today’s ride was mostly flat with a few rolling hills.  The training friend I rode with seems to know all sorts of wonderful routes… I am very excited she is sharing them with me. (She also told me about a website where you can plot new routes and see other routes people have plotted before you. It…