Category: Inspiration and Joy
Thanks for making me a finalist in the Foods From Chile contest!
Guess what? Your votes made me a finalist in the Foods From Chile Next Top Blogger Contest, which means I’m one step closer to an amazing culinary adventure in Chile, thanks to you and your influence on my behalf! THANK YOU SO MUCH! Yesterday I shot a video explaining why I think the judges should…
Gifted to Lead- Join me in reading?
I’m just starting to read Gifted to Lead, The Art of Leading as a Woman in the Church by Nancy Beach of Willow Creek Community Church one chapter per day until I finish it. (There are only eight chapters, so it shouldn’t take long!!) No, I am not a leader in my church, but I feel…
Becoming a working mom: Am I the only one feeling the tinges of guilt while I juggle?
This summer I began to feel the tinges of being a working mom. And it was really hard for me to reconcile. But, then again, quitting my job to become a mom, and then being that mom was hard for me, too. Let me back up. But just a bit. We aren’t going back to…
FREE Kindle publishing guide from Jeff Goins
Do you have something to say, something to share, something that might spark something in someone else? Have you ever thought about publishing your own book? Jeff Goins is offering a free download of his guide on how to publish on the Amazon Kindle. This guy knows what he is talking about, as he is…
Thanking God and being amazed by our #B90Days team
God definitely has his Hand all over the Bible in 90 days program on MomsToolbox. No, I shouldn’t be amazed at that, but I am. When I picked the dates to host this session I knew it would be tough. I was hosting a three-day professional event in New York 2 weeks before our start…
Thoughts on aging, hearing and sweet moments
This weekend I flew on a last-minute trip to Ohio to visit my 98-year-old great aunt. She is a few weeks from turning 99, but I’m not confident she will make it to 99. Auntie’s health is fading. And that was the reason for my trip. Sunday, as I sat in the hospital room listening…
Heading to a retreat….
This weekend I’m heading to a ladies retreat with the women from the church where my kids go to school. I am really looking forward to spending time with these women and I am looking forward to what God has in store for me… and for each of us. What especially amazes me is that…
Apologies and the like
This post, or a form of it, has been in my head for a long, long time. Life has just been full, hectic… a bit overwhelming… but still very, very good and filled with blessings. I am so sorry to have not been posting much since, well, the year began. 2012 started with a health…
Improve your Marriage- Spring Conference Giveaway
There is a great spring giveaway at Keepin’ it Real and I’ve invited Gina, a mentor, blogger and mom whom I truly respect and adore to tell you all about it. From Gina… I have been given the privilege of being able to give away a FamilyLife “Weekend to Remember®” marriage getaway registration for one…
Hi, I’m Amy, & I have a Bible blog & a wine blog…
Yep, that’s me. And I admit just posting that photo here puts a little fear in my heart. But I’ve got to push past it and let you know a bit more about me. Wanna know what all too often keeps me from doing me best? It’s fear. And these are my two biggies: Fear…
Donor Milk premiers March 1 in Houston
Donor Milk, a documentary exploring the donation of breastmilk through the eyes of grieving and giving mothers, premiers Thursday, March 1, at River Oaks Theater in Houston. I breastfed my three babies because I felt it was the best option for them and I was fortunate to have an amazing obstetrician who educated me before…
Please consider supporting me as I bike against Multiple Sclerosis
It’s not often I ask for monetary support from my readers. But Multiple Sclerosis is still taking its toll on too many and MS 150 season is upon us. I am always amazed at those of you who contribute and blown away by your support in the form of prayers and sweet, sweet notes. So…
I’d love to see you at 2:1!
Do you want to use your blog to reach out for the Lord? Are you already doing that and want to connect with others who are, too? If so, come see me at the 2:1 Conference this April 27-29 near Washington, DC. The conference has been created to equip homeschool families, and, although I do…
My experience with laparoscopic surgery
That was my view last Wednesday as I was wheeled to pre-op before I spent 3 hours in surgery having 2 liters drained from a mystery cyst on my liver. I had my thank you note and tape and a box of doughnuts to share. And I had my brave face on. I’ll back up…