Category: Inspiration and Joy

  • Readers Recommend: The ‘gift I gave myself’ edition

    What have you read this week that has helped you, inspired you or just given you that giggle you needed to read? This week, I am embarrassed to admit it,  but I remembered why I need to clear the clutter in my kitchen after reading 3 Gifts to Give Yourself on Mother’s Day at Life…

  • MomsToolbox Readers Recommend: Edition 1

    Welcome to the first weekly edition of MomsToolbox Readers Recommend, where MomsToolbox readers share one favorite post from the blogosphere. There are so many fantastic posts out there and I am hoping this will help me to find even more of them with your help. To participate, all you need to do is give us…

  • MomsToolbox Readers Recommend: Coming Wednesday!

    What is the most helpful post that you have come across this week… or that came you across much earlier but it is still with you, making a difference in the way you do something? I’d love to hear all about it! Each Wednesday I’d love for you to recommend a favorite blog post with…

  • Mother’s Day Giveaway: Girlfriends, Giggles and God

    You know how it feels when you are reading along about someone else’s adventures in mothering,  nodding, laughing out loud, and feeling like you totally get someone and what she is writing… and then she zings you with a fantastic, Biblical lesson? A friend of mine, Dallas Louis, wrote Girlfriends, Giggles and God, a one-month…

  • To all the frustrated, impatient, tired mommies of little ones:

    I was once there. And no, I don’t have it all figured out. But this morning I felt a transformation. This morning my nine year old son yelled at me and hurled an insult. He was frustrated. And do you know what I did? I calmly told him not to yell at me, swiftly administered…

  • I’m cycling 95 miles today

    Today I am cycling 95 miles as the first day of the Houston to Austin MS 150. Tomorrow I’ll cycle another 80. Please consider praying for all of the riders today and tomorrow, asking for strength, endurance and safety. Please also consider praying for all who suffer the devastating impacts of Multiple Sclerosis. If you’d…

  • The MS 150 is coming…

    Here’s a little video of me singing… So what did you think of my little song? I recorded that video about a week and a half ago while training in the hills. The MS 150 is this weekend and I haven’t been the best at fundraising this year. Come to think of it, I haven’t…

  • MS 150 Cycling Training Plan

    As some of you may know, in 2008 I trained for my first MS 150, which here in Houston, is actually two-day 180 mile bike ride. Before training for the MS 150, I was in moderate shape, but didn’t really exercise regularly. I wanted to complete the MS 150 with a smile on my face,…

  • Thank you for your prayers!

    Thank you so much to each of you who prayed for me today. And I was blown away when I saw all the retweets on Twitter about prayers and my ride… Thank you! I intended to ride 68 miles, but ended up riding 75 miles!! I started out strong, but then the hills started to…

  • Please pray for me today

    Today I’m off on another big training ride in preparation for the BP MS 150, a two-day, 180 bicycle ride to combat Multiple Sclerosis. I have not trained as much as I should have this year.  Life has been overly full and it is has been tough for me to to prioriitze. If you see…

  • The Ultimate VIP Weekend… and much, much longer

    Last weekend, while I was attending the Disney Social Media Moms Celebration at Walt Disney World, I was given a most incredible gift. If you follow Momstoolbox on Facebook or Twitter, you probably know that Andrea of Savings Lifestyle, a friend of mine, who was also one of my conference roommates, was randomly selected to…

  • How to combat irritated allergy eyes

    My eyes love to look at Spring, but my eyes suffer for it… big time. For the past several weeks I haven’t been able to wear my contacts nearly as long as I would like to each day and, almost every morning I have been waking with my eyes crusty and sometimes sealed shut. YUCK!…

  • From Mom’s Journal: My brain is on overload

    My brain is on overload. It is being flooded with great ideas, great plans and even great strategies. But I am stuck. I want to encourage the Bible in 90 Days readers who are feeling lost. I want to praise those who are finished. I want to cheer for those who are about to finish…

  • My first cycling flat tire

    Yesterday I had my first bicycle flat tire. I am so thankful I was cycling with a friend… and that my friend took it all in stride. I was cruising along, having a pretty good ride. But then we turned a corner and the pedaling became much more difficult. My first thought was that we…

  • Thanks, military families

    I tweeted about this today, but I think the message needs more permanence than a tweet. This morning my kids and I headed out of the house a little early and stopped at church on the way to school where we learned more about Lent and had ashes smeared on our foreheads in the form…