Category: Inspiration and Joy

  • I am so stinkin’ sore that I just have to laugh!

    I have embarked on a new fitness/ training plan to rock my hiney and legs into shape for the BP MS 150, which is in less than 6 weeks, and also to rock the rest of me into better shape overall using the KettleWorx plan. I didn’t realize that both overhauls would happen at the…

  • Cycling and Exercise Update

    Just thought I’d give y’all an update after my misery-filled post from Sunday. After my not-so-stunning ride on Sunday, I have jumped back into gear. For real. On  Monday I rode around the neighborhood for about 45 minutes, just to get a bit of saddle time. I will admit that it took a good five…

  • Cycling Training Wake-up Call

    Earlier today I rode in my first training ride of the season for the MS-150, a 2-day, 180-mile ride to raise awareness of and funds to battle Multiple Sclerosis. Here’s a quick video from the rest stop at mile 30 of today’s 47-mile ride: And here is another of the lovely snack bar at the…

  • Cycling prayer request

    Sunday morning I’m off for a 47-mile bike ride. With a few hills. It’s a training ride for a much bigger ride coming my way. In just under 6 weeks I will be riding in my fourth BP MS 150, a 2-day 180-mile bicycle ride to raise awareness of and funds to battle Multiple Sclerosis.…

  • Super Quick Mom Tip: The 2 Minute Rule to Getting Things Done

    Wanna know a secret to getting things done? Check out Laura’s Two Minute Rule and start eliminating ‘to do’ clutter! PS: I’m working on following her rule, too, and I have seen some progress! YAY! Do you have a Super Quick Mom Tip for me to share? If so, I’d love to link to you!…

  • Super Quick Mom Tip: No lipstick on your teeth

    Who likes to wear lipstick on your teeth? Certainly not me! I picked this tip up back in high school and have kept my teeth lipstick-free since then (except the very few times I have forgotten to do this little trick.) After applying lipstick, stick the tip of your finger in your mouth. Just your…

  • From Mom’s Journal… Trying Hot Yoga

    Last night I went to my first hot yoga class. This morning I went to my second. Tomorrow will be my third and then I’ll take a day or two off. I had been thinking about it for years but, at 90 minutes, the classes seemed too long for me to want to work in…

  • Experiencing the best at Disney

    Are you planning a trip to DisneyWorld or DisneyLand anytime soon? Growing up in Florida, I was fortunate to spend a lot of time at the DisneyWorld theme parks. I was even in a  few Disney commercials twirling a flag with my high school band! I may not live near Disney anymore, but my parents…

  • Free Picky Eater Ebook

    Do you have some picky eaters in your house? My sister-in-law, a military wife and homeschooling mom of seven who also blogs at The Happy Housewife, (and is a Bible in 90 Days graduate) has come across a few picky eaters in her kitchen and has found some great solutions that she wants to share…

  • Where’s the Line to See Jesus?

    My dad sent me the link to this song and I think it is too beautiful not to share! I hope that you will enjoy its message as well as the music: The link also came with an email explaining that the song came to be after a four year old boy at the mall,…

  • Sunny Scrapbooking

    A friend of mine just sent this super-cute video to me and I just had to share it with you: I love to scrapbook, but a few things have pushed my scrapbooking time aside. This makes me want to jump right back in there and get going again. Well, after I finish my Christmas card.…

  • Favorite Memories Friday: Anne Frank, Mrs. Bowers and the beginning of my love for words

    For the next several weeks, I will continue to use Favorite Memories Friday to participate in Mommy’s Piggy Tales challenge to record my youth in 15 posts. This week we were asked to write about experiences in the sixth grade. Mrs. Bowers, my sixth grade English teacher, has probably had the most impact on me…

  • Back to reality (and the internet)!

    Our family took a fantastic low-key trip to Florida to celebrate a friend’s wedding as well as Thanksgiving last week. The trip included relaxing on the beach, splashing in a few pools, showing our daughter how to make a bride and groom kiss by clinking your glass, going on a ‘pirate’ cruise, catching a LOT…

  • Favorite Memories Friday– a terrifying accusation

    So this one is a not-so-Favorite Memory. I’m trying to stick with the assignments from Mommy’s Piggy Tales, though, and this is the week of fifth grade. Fifth grade was the year I was accused of cheating in Social Studies and never wore those plaid gaucho pants and that crisp cotton white blouse ever again.…

  • Letters to Santa

    Yesterday I gathered the kids around the table for hot chocolate and good old letters to Santa time. My kids are 4, 7 and 9, and we are hosting a foreign exchange student who is 16, and this is the first time I had everyone sit down and write their own letters and wish lists.…