Yesterday was report card day over here and I want my boys to know how proud we are of their efforts in school. Tonight, of course, we will be celebrating with them. Nothing huge, but something to let them know that their efforts have been rewarded.
As I’ve been trying to decide what to do, I started to wonder: What do different families do to celebrate good grades?
I remember one of my friends in elementary school was paid quite handsomely for her grades. My parents brushed that idea off quite casually when I hinted they might consider rewarding me that way. They probably said something along the lines of “Different families do things differently,” which is exactly true, and should be.
So, I’m curious… What does YOUR familiy do or what did your family do when you were a child, to reward good grades?
Ice cream? A trip to the movies? Later bedtime that night? A hearty “well done!”?
Please share… I’d love to know!
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