I will praise God, even as part of the MS 150 is cancelled

Scripture: Psalm 34:1

I will praise the Lord at all times.

I will constantly speak of his praises.

Observation: No matter what, I will always speak great things about the Lord.

Application: Today I am a bit down. The first day of the MS 150 has been cancelled due to weather.

I realized this is pretty minor in the whole scheme of things, but this is something I have trained for, prayed for, prepared for and fundraised for. This is an event that grosses $12 million for the Multiple Sclerosis Society. It is the biggest MS 150 in the country and 13,000 riders registered for it last October before registration closed in about 6 hours. I cannot even imagine all the details that are considered in carrying out this two-day, 180 mile ride. Or the details involved in changing it on the fly.

But now day one is cancelled and, as it stands, day two is still on with modifications.

I prayed so much about this ride (as did many of you, too) and I am disappointed that part has been cancelled. But I know that a lot of thought had to go into canceling day one.

I don’t know if God had his hand in the cancellation (13,000 riders + wet conditions + possible lightening + rivers over streets + swampy overnight accommodations = danger and frustration.), or not. But I do know that God can use all things for his glory. So who am I to stand in the way?

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you so much for the opportunity to glorify you in all circumstances.

Thank you for the surprise gift of having a leisurely morning with my husband today since the kids were already arranged to sleep at their grandparents’ last night.

Thank you for keeping me from taking risks I shouldn’t have on my bike today.

Thank you for flexible in-laws and a great babysitter who are working with us to make this still work.

Thank you for our able bodies that can cycle this route, whether it is 180 or 80 miles.

Thank you for the fact that my husband has decided to ride day two. Thank you for all the pieces that are coming together to make this work.

Thank you for the rain, which Texas really needed.

Thank you for all the supportive emails and messages I’ve received from friends who know I am disappointed.

Thank you, Lord, for making this situation into what it should be. And thank you for your forgiveness of my selfishness in being disappointed that I cannot ride today.

Thanks for allowing me to get a proper rest before tackling those hills of Bastrop-I get to sleep on a bed tonight instead of on an air mattress in mud!

Thank you, Lord, for being in control. I will praise you through it all. Thank you for that opportunity.

A fellow MS 150 rider and blogger just posted pics from the overnight site in LaGrange.  Here’s where we might have been sleeping tonight.


2 responses to “I will praise God, even as part of the MS 150 is cancelled”

  1. […] spring, when the first day of the MS 150 from Houston to Austin was cancelled, my husband and I immediately signed up for this ride. We were […]

  2. Oh, man, this stinks! Will you guys get another day to race??? Praying the weather clears up!!!

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