Proverbs in 31 Days: Day 24, Proverbs 24: Rescue those being led away to death

Proverbs in 31 Days with MomsToolbox
In reading this morning, verses 11 and 12 really grabbed me. Yes, we are witnessing war (again) and seeing people led to destruction and slaughter. I also see spiritual war all around me, all around every single one of us. As followers of Christ, what are we going to do?

Today’s Reading: Proverbs 24

Using the SOAP devotional method, here’s what I heard this time…

Scripture: Proverbs 24:11-12

Rescue those being led away to death;

hold back those staggering toward slaughter.

If you say, “But we knew nothing about this,”

does not he who weights the heart perceive it?

Does he who guards your life know it?

Will he repay each person according to what he has done?


When you see others being mistreated or on a path that is dangerous, spiritually or physically, don’t just sit there. Do something.


There is a lot of bad stuff going on all of the time. And it can be easier to turn a blind eye and not get involved. I need to be His hands and feet. I need to take part in rescuing those being led away to death. He has given me gifts, tools and abilities I can use for Him. MomsToolbox is just the start. My work with VineSleuth can also reach many for Him (I’ve already seen it happen.) But it doesn’t take an organization, it takes opening our eyes and loving.  Every single one of us can help those being led to slaughter in some way.


Father, thank you for pursuing me daily… before I knew who you were and now that I do.

Please show me what to do when I see people being led to death– far away and near to me, physical death and spiritual death. There are refugees needing help, needing a safe place. There is war. And there is also spiritual warfare, raging powerfully all around each of us. I want to live for you… not because of the threat in the second part of this verse, but because of love, because you pursued me and keep me safe from death. And I know I can do the same for others, showing them your love.

Empower all of us that follow you, all that read this today and the days that follow.

Use us. We are yours.

In your Son’s name,


Here is what I have heard in the past when reading Proverbs this way and using SOAP:

Proverbs in 31 Days ebook

FREE Printable Resources:

What about you?

What did you hear today? Did the same verse stand out to you or was it something else? Share your thoughts in the comments, if you are up for it.


3 responses to “Proverbs in 31 Days: Day 24, Proverbs 24: Rescue those being led away to death”

  1. Thank you for your honesty and wisdom. I am a few days behind in proverbs but absolutely love my time in them.

    1. I’m glad you are enjoying them. There is some really good stuff in there. :)

  2. Amanda Burt Avatar
    Amanda Burt

    I hope you don’t mind me jumping in at the end. Better late than never right? lol

    S – v33-34 A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest – and poverty will come on you like a thief and scarcity like an armed man.

    O – If I start to get lazy in my day then quietly my house gets messy, kids get unruly (if undisciplined), spiritually I am low and confused on what to do. All my direction and focus is gone and I am left feeling dazed and confused; overwhelmed and frustrated.

    A – After a good nights sleep, it is important to start my day with the Lord and through study of His word and prayer. Then focus mu day and address items as they present themselves. Don’t pretend they aren’t there or hope it will go away. Pray often and with God’s help, I will accomplish so much.

    P – Lord, thank you for this day. Thank you for the renewed strength and focus with this study. Thank you for Amy and help her have the strength that she needs for this day. Give me the energy and patience to deal with my children’s sin and guide me with how to discipline with love when necessary. Give me strength to my house work and to have a happy heart that I have a house to clean! Lord help me to put away distraction of computer, phone and TV and focus on what is truly important. Amen.

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