WoooHOOOO! We made it! It is the final day of reading through the Proverbs together this month. I hope you have enjoyed spending time in the Word and have heard the Holy Spirit through this time. I also hope it helped to build a habit for you.
I’m praying through my thoughts on our next community reading which will begin April 18, the Monday after Easter. I’m trying to decide if I want to do a super fast read through the Bible in 90 days, or slow it down to 180, to grow habit and contemplation. I’ll report back when I know.
In the meantime….
Today’s Reading: Proverbs 31
Using the SOAP devotional method, here’s what I heard this time…
Scripture: Proverbs 31:13
She seeks wool and flax,
and works with willing hands.
She gathers the resources she needs and gets to work.
The woman of God gets her work done diligently. She sees what is needed, gathers it and gets down to business. As my company is evolving, I am looking to see what the most critical resources and plans of action may be so that I may make the best decisions in moving forward.
Lord, please guide me as I gather my resources, grow my plan of attack and execute. You know who and what I need. Guide me in seeking and securing both. Guide me in seeing and following your way working towards success. Later in this passage it is mentioned that “She laughs at the time to come.” This makes me smile, as I feel like I am on such an adventure and can only smile in wondering what is to come.
Thank you, Lord, for the adventure. Thank you for your guidance.
I am eager to follow your guidance. Please make it clear to me.
Thank you, Lord.
In your Son’s name,
Here is what I have heard in the past when reading Proverbs this way and using SOAP:
FREE Printable Resources:
- Proverbs in 31 Days ebook – contains instructions, reading plan, and journal pages
- Proverbs in 31 Days: Day 31 journal page
What about you?
What did you hear today? Did the same verse stand out to you or was it something else? Share your thoughts in the comments, if you are up for it.
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