SOAP: Falling away bit by bit can lead to disaster

Scripture: Hebrews 3: 15-16

15But never forget the warning:

“Today you must listen to his voice.

Don’t harden your hearts against him

As Israel did when they rebelled.”

16And who were those people who rebelled against God, even though they heard his voice? Weren’t they the ones Moses led out of Egypt?

Observation: Watch out and do not lose your faith and love for the one true God. Even those who have seen great things can forget.

Application: I must always stay close to God and not let Satan slip in. Falling out of a good habit bit by bit can lead to disaster if I allow it to. I must remain strong in my faith and feed that faith by growing my relationship with Christ through prayer, study and listening.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for this reminder.

I cannot imagine falling so far way from you as those whom you led out of Egypt, but, at one time, I bet they couldn’t either.

I’ve been feeling overwhelmed and not keeping up my SOAP time as I needed to. Thank you for this reminder of what can happen by letting my time with you slip away bit by bit. I don’t want little bits to become big chunks. Thank you for calling me back. And thank you for your forgiveness.


One response to “SOAP: Falling away bit by bit can lead to disaster”

  1. Summer Avatar

    Boy, oh boy…..God really DOES speak through you so well! I NEEDED this post more than you know.

    Because of a new and exciting relationship that I’ve begun, I have slacked off in my studies and prayer….and my happiness cannot be complete with Him. Thank you for reminding me of my one true purpose and how I should never forget that…EVER!

    Hope you have a wonderful Monday!


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