SOAP: Today I was reminded how selfish I can be

Scripture: Psalm 100:5

For the Lord is good.

His unfailing love continues forever,

And his faithfulness continues to each generation.

Observation: The Lord is good and faithful forever.

Application: This really struck me this morning.

Earlier this morning, as I was getting dressed, I asked God to guide me in putting an end to my selfish attitude. I am selfish. And I don’t like that.

But it can be quite easy to justify selfish-ness.

In a few weekends I’m heading off to a scrapbook retreat that I look forward to every year. I anticipate the joy from the moment the retreat ends until I arrive the next year.

I’m typically one of the first to get there and I relish every single second for lots of reasons.

This year I won’t be able to get there as quickly as I typically do. And because I signed my kids up for swim lessons in the evenings, I will even have to get there later than I had originally anticipated.

This was really upsetting me so I spoke with husband about the two of us trying to figure something out to make my quick getaway work.

This morning, after my prayer, he called and asked “Not that it will have to come down to this, but, just so I know where you are coming from, if it comes down to you heading out to the retreat when you want but the kids miss swim, which is more important?”

“Ummmm. I don’t know. I’ll get back with you on that,” I said.

And I was driving in my car about 20 minutes later it occurred to me that I was being selfish. And here was my chance to change my attitude.

Yes, the retreat is a retreat and mommy could use some re-charge time. But my kids are important, too. And I signed them up for swim because I decided that was important. Arriving even later to the retreat will not harm me. But showing my kids that I am more important by leaving and making them miss swim… that’s selfish and not the right choice.

And, really, their ability to be safe in the water is much more important than an extra few hours of crop time.

And me causing my husband to alter his work schedule or figure out some babysitter band-aid option would really be selfish and unnecessary.  (I already get the whole weekend!!)

I asked God to convict me of my selfishness and guide me. And He did.

So I called my husband and told him I’d be happy to take the kids to lessons and that he should meet up with us whenever he is ready.

I can wait. And I will wait joyfully.

Because I should.

And then this passage hits me.

Wow! The Lord is so good and so faithful! I asked him to set me on the right path and a few hours later he showed me my mistake and gently showed me the better choice.

Prayer: Thank you, Lord.

I love you. And I want to live in way that is honoring to YOU. There is such a battle going on inside me to live in a way that is honoring to me. But there isn’t really any honor in that.

Thank you for showing me my mistake before I made it. Thank you for guiding me to a better choice.

Thank you for your unfailing love, for caring enough to reach down and help me to change my attitude. Please keep it coming. And thanks for this verse’s reassurance that you will.


3 responses to “SOAP: Today I was reminded how selfish I can be”

  1. Thanks for putting that out there for all of us moms who have similar conflicts. It is inspiring to see how God works in people!

  2. This is good, but i am going to nitpick for a second

    You are not selfish. Who you ARE and what you are struggling with are two different things. You are currently struggling with and aware of temptations to act selfishly, but it is not who you are.

    I am learning this from Jennifer Rothchild’s study “me myself and lies” so I can’t take credit for the thought, but I will share it whenever I see the need.
    .-= deirdre´s last blog ..10 months and counting =-.

  3. This is really good. I’m so glad that you took the opportunity to be unselfish and allowed God to convict you. I am dealing with some conviction of my own in this very same area.
    .-= Monica @ DailyDwelling´s last blog ..Our Homeschool Curriculum =-.

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