SOAP: Venting is often really gossip. And that is not okay.

Scripture: Psalm 101:5

I will not tolerate people who slander their neighbors.

I will not endure conceit and pride.

Observation: Gossip is not okay, neither is an inflated ego. And I will not take part in either.

Application: Over the last few days someone irritated me and I shared that with someone else. As much as it may have been just “venting,” it was also gossip.

If I have a problem with someone’s behavior then I need to be a big girl and either talk to that person about it directly or let it go. “Venting” is also often gossiping. And that is slandering my neighbor. And that is wrong.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for again calling this to my attention. What I did was wrong, as minor as it seemed to be at the time. Please continue to forgive me for my error.

Please guide me in going to you when I am frustrated and remind me to seek your guidance, not just complain to another. Venting is not okay when I say anything bad about someone else. True or false, it is gossip. And I don’t want to have any part of that, as you don’t want me to have any part of that.

Thank you for this reminder, Lord. And thank you for your forgiveness of my selfishness.


3 responses to “SOAP: Venting is often really gossip. And that is not okay.”

  1. Venting… yes, gossip disguised. Always a good reminder.

    Andrea @ The Train To Crazy’s last blog post..So you think Seattle is rainy?

  2. Somebody's Mimi Avatar
    Somebody’s Mimi

    Ouch… I will try a bit more to let “things” go. But what if you had a situation and you were discussing or seeking advice from another friend on how you handled a certain situation? Not venting but asking advice?

  3. Summer Avatar

    Thank you for sharing this relevant and important message today! I’ve never considered myself a “gossip” per say…..I just always try to stay away from that sort of stuff. But, there have been times, where I “vented” to a girlfriend about someone else…….and, that IS gossip!!!

    Thank you for reminding me of this yet again….

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