The Homeschool Mother’s Prayer Journal

God's Word Inspires

Today Bible in 90 Days grad Rebecca Brandt of Mom’s Mustard Seeds shares a bit about her new devotional guide, The Homeschool Mother’s Prayer Journal, and how reading the Bible in 90 Days inspired her.

Meeting Rebecca live in person at the Savvy Blogging Summit this summer was an exciting moment for me. I loved the tweets and emails we had shared, but getting to chat with her live in person was such a blessing to me. Please read on to hear how God inspired her…

 by Rebecca Brandt

A couple of years ago, I decided to read through the Bible in 90 Days. I was encouraged by what I was reading here, at Mom’s Toolbox and felt that I could ‘probably’ do it. I will admit, I was a little hesitant. I mean, reading the Bible in 90 days was a crazy thought. Who does that? Why? Do you really get anything out of reading the Bible that fast?

After the first week, I was a little overwhelmed. It was a LOT of reading. I knew Numbers and Deuteronomy were around the corner and those were always my stumbling blocks when attempting to read the Bible in a year.

But, I kept pushing.

As I pushed, I found that my mind was actually retaining more of the truth in the Bible. More of the puzzle of the story of God’s creation, the Fall, his plan and the necessity of the laws – even the genealogy were so interwoven that my mind began to grasp a bigger picture of the Bible. I began to see how things connected, lives were woven together and how God, in his infinite wisdom very clearly gave us the path of life in His first Commandment.

What I loved about reading the Bible in 90 Days was utilizing the SOAP devotional method that Amy shares here. It helped me gather my thoughts, read the scripture, pray and identify how to apply it to my life.

Recently, I decided to write an eBook. I had never thought about it, but one day, as I sat praying God put it on my heart to share with moms across the world how to pray and read His word. Prayer, it’s so simple, yet so many of us put it on the back burner. Through this idea, I created a Prayer/Devotional Journal. While it is titled: The Homeschool Mother’s Prayer Journal – A New School Year – It can be used by any mom and she can share it with her children.

Within the journal, I have identified areas that moms struggle with at the beginning of a school year: Family, Schedules, Curriculum, Fear and Doubt, Depression, Anger and Praise. In addition to the journal/devotional pages, I have also included some activities to help you identify ways you can increase your family’s focus on God and implement His will for your family.

Why? Because I believe God has equipped every parent to disciple and teach their children. While our paths in this journey may look different, everyday, we are doing just that – discipling and teaching.

Because I created this journal to encourage moms to pray and seek God’s will for their life, I created an acrostic for P.R.A.Y. This acrostic will help you read God’s word, pray, read, ask God’s desire for your life and also ways you are going to apply that scripture and the surrounding verses to your life.

This was definitely not what I expected when I read through the Bible in 90 Days. As I look back over the past few years, the way God has grown my heart and directed my path, I can see how He used the Bible in 90 Days to direct me toward this book and others I have on the back burner.

I never expected God’s word to inspire me this way. Has God inspired you in ways you never imagined?


3 responses to “The Homeschool Mother’s Prayer Journal”

  1. I was astonished the first time I did the 90 Day Bible by just how much I was affected. People questioned me about how I could expect to learn anything by going thru so fast, but it was the most life changing reading of Scripture I had ever done. It all made so much SENSE!!!! The ways God set His people apart, the reasons for all those laws, the thread of redemption that runs throughout the entire Bible…I was blown away. I have since done it again, with the same results. Mind blowing.
    I recommend to so many women that they do it. It is so life changing to get a hold of the Word this way. To get a handle on God’s plan for His people, to see the rejection of the people, the discipline, the love, the grace poured out over and over again…I was just looking at my copy this morning thinking about when I will do it again. And I WILL do it again. There’s no way I can’t.

  2. Yes! I haven’t read through the entire bible yet (Numbers gets me every single time) but I am inspired every day to forgive more, love more and the biggest thing has been turning my heart towards home and my children.

  3. Amy, thank you for encouraging me during B90 Days, as well as the writing of this book. Your love for others is a reflection of your love for Christ….

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