Week 4 of Bible 180– Journaling idea & Check in

Good morning to you! I hope this finds you safe from fires, pending hurricanes, Coronvirus and other troubles. My, what times we are having! Setting aside time to read the Bible, talk to God and meditate on His Word and the respite and direction they bring are becoming ever more important to me, that’s for sure.

This past week I’ve switched up my response to His Word, taking a break from the SOAP method I love to a journaling method. I thought I’d share it with you in the event it might be something you would enjoy, as well.

What I do is start by writing the day and date then the scripture we are reading that day. Next I write down a minimum of three things for which I am thankful, then I write the heading “Observations in the reading” and list them, sometimes casually in bullet form, sometimes in paragraph form. Sometimes I record scripture that jumps out that speaks to me, sometimes it is scripture I want to delve into… it could be any observation I have from the reading. Often I do follow this up with written prayers, but not always.

I have found that this new format opens my mind and heart to begin reading in thankfulness and then helps me to center myself on His word and listen better. I’d love to hear how you are reading, if you have found any ways to listen better as you take in the Word eah day.

For our check in this week, will you share in the comments how you read each day? It might be that you open up your app or you Bible and read.. or it might be that you have an additional method, too. All are wonderful. Let us know about it, if you’re up for it.

I am thrilled that you are still with us, reading. Keep it up. Soak Him in. And feel free to invite others to join, yes, even now… they can jump in right where we are. The important thing is reading daily, right?

Here’s the reading schedule for the week:

I can’t wait to hear how you read!

In love,


8 responses to “Week 4 of Bible 180– Journaling idea & Check in”

  1. Hello. Some days are very challenging to get my reading in. But I’m making it every day. I have been have the Bible read to me by Biblegateway and I’m following in my Bible. I have been going back and reading my study notes in my Study Bible and commentaries and writing some notes down. I’m getting a lot of doing this!

  2. Keeping up with the reading has been a bit challenging on some days but I keep on going forward! I like to underline in my Bible. I also write notes in the margin, and sometimes I put question marks there!! I hope at some point to do a study or hear a pastor preaching from a few of those passages that will answer those questions. Leviticus was hard to read with so many repetitive rules.

    1. I agree that Leviticus is hard to read with all the repetitive rules. Also hard to read on some busy days. I was visiting my daughter with 3 kids last week for a few days and it was a challenge to keep up with the reading! Good that we made this commitment to stick with the reading. It does help to stay with it!

  3. Most days I try to read first thing in the morning with my Bible. I have been using your SOAP method but I really like how you start each day with being thankful. I’m going to try your new method of journaling now. Thank you again for leading this Amy!

  4. Hello! So I usually read my physical bible at night, I’ve been taking it with me, so I have a chance to read when I have a few moments of spare time! I will occasionally read it on the Bible app or listen to it audibly. I am enjoying reading Numbers more than I thought I would!

  5. lab girl Avatar
    lab girl

    I have learned a lot that I didn’t pick up in the “Church” setting in prior years. This has been good. It is A LOT of information that takes time to digest- when the rapture occurs I will still be digesting this reading. That good because we do not live on bread alone! Hanging in there to the end. I’m loving it! Amy, thank you so much for committing yourself to this reading schedule, it keeps me committed.

  6. Good morning! I usually read via Bible Hub app. I read sometimes while I wait on my son at his School sports/speed and agility workouts. Sometimes I have Siri read parts to me and I follow along. I do really need to see the words to connect with what God is saying.

  7. I am enjoying the reading very much. I honestly have just been reading my Bible and stopping to really think about certain verses. I have not been writing anything down but I think I may try your method of journaling to keep record because there are instances where scripture jumps out at me. Thank you for this!

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