10 days left in the Bible in 90 Days… Who is frustrated?

Today is Day 80 of the Bible in 90 Days/ Blogging Through the Bible in 90 Days. For some of you this is exhilarating, as you realize that you are about to have read the entire Bible.

For some of you, though, I have no doubt that you are a little, or even a lot, frustrated.

You wanted to read the whole Bible with us. You set off with your heart in it to complete it. Now, however, it’s not looking so likely.

“That’s okay,” you reason with yourself, “I’ll just keep to it and finish someday.”

Well, I am here today to challenge you to turn that “someday” back into October 2, just 10 days from now.

Sure, that sounds like a big goal with a LOT of reading and there are a lot of other things that need to get done in your life. But I think you can do this… I really do. And I want to help you.

If you are feeling frustrated, discouraged, or have even already given up, today’s post is for you.

Please leave a comment telling us of your frustration and roadblocks. Tell us how I and others can pray for you to get you over that finish line.

Today is not the post for your alternate finish dates. Today is the day of “I’m so frustrated, please pray for me and ask God to show me how to get the reading in…” types of comments.

Let us know who you are and how we can pray for you by name. And I will pray for each and every one of you.

Then I’ll ask that you pick two or three other commenters and pray for them, too. If you can, leave us another comment after you have prayed so those needing encouragement can check back and see it.

Readers, we are in the homestretch. I don’t want anyone left behind. Let’s pull together, pray for one another and fill ourselves with the Holy Spirit by reading, reading, reading and PRAYING.

We can do this! Now get to commenting, praying and replying (and, of course, reading)….


33 responses to “10 days left in the Bible in 90 Days… Who is frustrated?”

  1. Amy,
    I started 19 days ago. :)

  2. On day 19 and plugging along! I let myself get behind and learned my lesson! Now I’m back on track. Three days on one day is a LOT of reading.

    1. Keep plugging!
      When did you start?

  3. Somebody's Mimi Avatar
    Somebody’s Mimi

    I didn’t make it through my first try. I am ten days behind now… but I am going to try my best to “get er done”!!!! Even thought this week I am babysitting for my 7 (fabulous) grandchildren! PRAY FOR ME!!!

    1. You can do it, I really know YOU can, Mom.
      I’m so proud of you for joining in again.. this will be your time!

  4. christina Avatar

    I could not figure out how to reply individually… sorry
    I have prayed for each and everyone who posted that they are behind. Do not let discouragement, frustration or the size of the challenge defeat you – you can do this!!!!!
    God will honor your commitment, and He will be glorified in your victory!

    1. Oops. I overestimated the plugin and it isn’t working as I expected.
      But keep praying anyhow and maybe they’ll come back and see your sweet comment.
      Thank you for trying!

    2. Thanks for your prayers for everyone!!

  5. We’re behind. We finished Mark today. But… we have just under 16.5 hours of listening left. So we need to up our listening to at least an hour and 40 minutes a day, consistently. I guess that is achievable. But it is pushing my kids a bit more than I like.

    Maybe we could just double things up tomorrow, read all of Luke, and then we’d “only” need to do 1.5 hours a day for the next nine…

    I think I like that plan. We have at least two hours in a car tomorrow. We can do that.

    1. You can do it!

  6. For those who are behind or frustrated, take a minute each day to read Philipians 4:13.

    I will be praying for you to finish strong. It is so worth it!

    1. Great encouragement. Thank you!

  7. I’ve been feeling a little frustrated lately and feel like I am losing steam. I’m about 5 days behind (so totally do-able to finish on time) but my motivation has waned a bit. I really really want to finish with everyone else. it’s just been hard with everyone in our house sick and feeling really tired. I prayed for the other commenters and am so happy to know that we are all praying for each other. I’m excited to celebrate together!

    1. Hang in there and press on. I’ll be praying for you.

  8. I’m praying for the comments already made and for my group as well. I want to hear lots of success stories 10 days from now!!
    I’m 4 days behind but know I will be able to finish. Prayers welcome!!
    Amy, how do we reply? I’d like for the people to know I’m praying for them specifically but can’t seem to figure out how to reply to individual comments. Thanks!

    1. Thanks fora ll your support of everyone and kind, encouraging words!
      Unfortunately my initial idea of everyone replying isn’t working. (ugh.)
      But the prayers will, nonetheless!
      Hang in there and read, read, read!

  9. This is my 2nd time trying to complete this challenge. I am my own biggest road block. I am more than 20 days behind at this point (I think). I need to make it more of a priority and I haven’t done that. I am committing right now to finish ON TIME. Please pray that I make it a priority and use my time wisely to READ. Thank you. :-)

    1. Just prayed , asking Him to guide you and clear your path right to Him and finishing the entire Bible.
      Hang tight and don’t give up. Carry that Bible EVERYWHERE!!

  10. You guys can do this! I will be praying for you all!

  11. Okay, I am in good shape, only 1 day behind, but this weekend my husband and I also committed to a time of searching for God’s direction, and praying for things heavy on our hearts and minds.

    Huge things.

    And it is making life crazy. This morning I felt like that image from the exorcist with the head spinning and pea soup spewing.

    It is making reading hard too. I want to finish victoriously and not limp to the finish a month after everyone else like I did last time, but it feels impossible right now.

    1. All things are possible with Him.
      Stay in His Word and He will guide you where you need it.
      You can do this, but it is going to take commitment. Just 9 more days… can you tough it out for 9 days and read like crazy until October 2? I bet you can.
      I just prayed for you and your husband. He will see you through if you lean on Him.

  12. I am behind and would love any and all prayers! I am committed to finishing on time! I think the next few days I will wake up 30 minutes earlier and get some extra-extra reading time in. I am slightly frustrated but not discouraged and definitely not giving up! I just started Hosea today and would like to get as close to the NT tonight as possible. I think I can do it!!! I’m praying for all those who are still behind, those who are listed here and all the B90Days readers who need a little help.

    1. You can do it! How did this morning go? Can you read while eating lunch, too?
      Just prayed for you. :)

  13. I don’t know how to reply to individual comments (or if it’s even possible for me to do so), but I prayed for each of you–Laura, Erin, Malisa, and Amy. I’m going to write your names on my Bible bookmark and will pray for you before I read each day.

    1. Thank you so much for praying for the others!

  14. Feeling more discouraged and ashamed than anything! I started out with an attitude that I was going to do my readings everyday, no matter what, and even try to get ahead and possibly finish early! But, I am behind! To still finish on October 2nd, I need to read 2 1/2 days worth. It can be done…and I WILL DO IT! But, I am asking for prayer that I will prioritize my time better…stay AWAY from the internet and TWITTER!!! And just spend the next 10 days reading every chance I get!
    I started this challenge with all you girls and I want to finish this challenge with all you girls! :)
    Praying for you all!

    1. It’s going to be tough.. but you can do it for 9 days, I know you can. Put aside what can be set aside and jump back in October 2. Keep your bible with you everywhere.. carry it room to room and grab 2 minutes here, 20 minutes there…

  15. Malisa P. Avatar
    Malisa P.

    Amy, I am definitely one of the people who are frustrated! I started out strong with the reading…and now, I am still in Jeremiah! Please pray that I can continue on. I haven’t read in a while because I’m so far behind (which results in being further behind).

    1. Just hop in there and read. Let the frustration go and hear His words to you. He loves you, He wants to be with you. He wants you to learn the whole story.
      You can do it!

  16. Not frustrated – DETERMINED!

    Reading three days worth every day until the end – catching up fast!

    But I could still use prayer :) Thanks so much! Can’t wait to finish with everyone!

    1. Just prayed for you!! Keep going, girl!! You won’t regret it, I promise!

  17. Amy,
    I am not frustrated, but I am still behind. I am also committed to finishing on time, and have mapped out that I need to read about 50 pages for the next week to finish (I am on page 668, so I have 380 pages left. At 50 pages a day, that puts me finishing 7 days from now, which leaves only 3 days to spare.)

    All that said, I just wanted to encourage anyone who is behind that you CAN do this, and I am highly motivated by the fact that I really made a vow to God and I have no intention of breaking it, at all (I’ve read about what happens in the Bible to those who break their vows!).

    So, let’s do this last 10 days together! We CAN do it! Praying for all of you.

    To your success,
    Dr. Laura

    1. LOVE your plan, Laura! And thanks for your encouragement to others!

      I just prayed for you to stick to your plan and push the things aside that can be pushed. I also prayed for Him to use your experience in this to His glory.

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