Psalm 32: Trust in Him


I may have selected one verse to share today, but I strongly suggest you read all of the Psalm 32, as it really puts the one verse in context.

David, the Psalmist, talks about his pain from sin, and then what happened once he came clean with that sin and talked with God about it.


Many are the sorrows of the wicked,

but steadfast love surrounds the one

who trusts in the Lord.


Trusting in the Lord brings love rather than sorrow.


Trusting in the Lord is powerful. True trust means confessing all to Him, opening your life completely and seeking His guidance. His guidance will come. It may not be what you want it to be, but that true trust will also guide you. He won’t let you down.

I have seen this so much lately. There are  many seemingly insignificant moments that, when put together, show God’s faithfulness to my trust in Him. He has given me so many wonderful opportunities and I firmly believe that is because I reached out to Him (and continue to do so) and I trust, even in the bumps and bruises.


Lord, thank you for sending your Son to wash away my sins so that I could have this straightforward relationship with you. Thank you for loving me, even in all of my brokenness, and guiding me as I seek you. I love you. I am amazed by you. Please, Lord, continue guiding me.



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