SOAP: What do I focus on first?

Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 1:3

As we talk to our God and Father about you, we think of your faithful work, your loving deeds, and your continual anticipation of the return of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Observation: Paul, Silas and Timothy think of how the Thessalonians are serving the Lord whenever they pray for them. Rather than focus on the suffering the Thessalonians might be enduring (referred to later in the passage) they instead focus on the beauty of their relationship with Christ.

Application: Not too long ago a pastor at our church shared that, when praying, we should first focus on the glory and power of God rather than our problem. Then we will be able to put things in proper perspective, as He is much bigger than any challenge we could face.

I love how this passage talks about all the wonderful things the Thessalonians are doing for God and how they anticipate Christ’s return. Later we read about their suffering, but first we see where their focus is. It is on God and off of themselves. And that is how I would like to be.

Prayer: Lord, you are an amazing, all-knowing God of grace and love.

Thank you for your kindness and nurturing ways. Thank you for sending your son to die for my sins, even if at times I don’t acknowledge my sins.

Thank you for showing me the many errors in my ways and guiding me to live a life honoring of you.

Thank you for showing me this passage this morning and reminding me to focus on you, and what I can do for you, rather than the earthly frustrations I may face. If I keep my eyes (and heart) on you, you will carry me through. Thank you for that.


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