SOAP: Don’t let your grip slip

Scripture: 2 Thessalonians 2:15

With all theses things in mind, dear brothers and sisters, stand firm and keep a strong grip on everything we taught you both in person and by letter.

Observation: Knowing what is to come, maintain your understanding and don’t let it slip.

Application: It is crucial that I keep my knowledge sharp and not let it go. Satan is a powerful deceiver and will try to trick me and other believers. Only by studying and knowing the truth can I be sure to follow the one true God.

I can keep a firm grip by continuing to read the letters and the word of God in the Bible regularly and by praying or communicating with God.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for your power and strength. Thank you for the promise of Jesus’ second coming, when Satan will be banished forever.

Thank you for wanting me to understand your truth, and for sharing it with me whenever I seek it.

It is amazing how freely you give forgiveness and relationship to all who honestly seek you. It is amazing how you love us all and want all of your children to know the truth. Thank you for your generosity and for your warnings of the deception that is to come.

Please keep me close and guide me as I grow my understanding and our relationship so that I can keep a strong grip on all you have taught me and not let it slip away.


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