Psalms SOAP: Trust in the Lord’s justice

Day 15 of the Psalms in 60 Days

Today’s Reading: Psalm 37

Scripture: Psalm 37: 1-2

1Do not fret because of evil men or be envious of those who do wrong;

2for like green plants they will soon die away.

Observation: Do not worry that those who do wrong are just getting away with it. Their time will come for the appropriate justice.

Application: I feel I need to add an expansion to my observation of the verse. I mention that appropriate justice will come, but I have not idea what that is. That is up to God and I have a feeling He looks things differently than we do. So I cannot say what it will be that will bring about the justice. And it is definitely not up to me to decide or even understand.

With all that off my chest, I’ll move on to explaining why this verse stuck out to me and it’s application to my life right now:

One of my sons pays a lot of attention to right and wrong. Things can often be black or white to him and it frustrates him when people (especially other children) do bad things and get away with it. I am in no way implying that my son is perfect. He’s not. But when he gets in trouble for something that might have been brought on by another and the other child doesn’t get punished (either the other’s bad behavior isn’t witnessed or another family handles things differently) it really angers him. He wants justice served.

My son very much trusts what he learns about Jesus and God. He has questions (don’t we all?), but fortunately he wants to understand God’s ways and follow them. I plan to share this verse with him soon so that I can show him that yes, people do things that are wrong and that yes, God notices. And we have to trust that God will handle it in the most appropriate ways. Yes, things will slip by and not all bad actions will be reprimanded here on Earth But God knows what is going on and we have to trust Him and His justice, whatever that may be.

Prayer: Lord, this is a tough one for many of us to understand and accept at different times of our lives. But your message is clear: Trust me. I’ve got it  under control. And I will do what is right.

Thank you for that reassurance. And thank you for being in control.

Please guide me as I share this with my son and help him to embrace it and recall it when he needs it most. Thank you for your wisdom, Lord.

Tomorrow’s Reading (Day 16): Psalm 38

Monday’s Reading (Day 17): Psalms 39-41


6 responses to “Psalms SOAP: Trust in the Lord’s justice”

  1. I struggle with this, we have just been through a horrid situation and have found myself on my knees asking God why us when another party who has caused so much pain seems to be getting away with it. I felt so alone, i know now that the Lord is with me and that the right and wrongs can be seen by those who matter and i have to learn to trust in this. Not a easy lesson though x
    .-= Sara´s last blog ..When will I learn? =-.

  2. imnjupiter Avatar

    i appreciate your thoughts today…thanks.

  3. It’s so hard to see people living badly and treating other’s bad and nothing stops them. I’m like your son, everything is black and white to me. But I have to learn that God knows what he is doing and his timing is perfect! Thanks for this today. I think I really needed it.

  4. on the exact opposite, there are those who suffer but don’t deserve to suffer. I just came from volunteered activity and we visited one of the poorest location in my country – smokey mountain. What I saw really touched my heart and makes me (silently) asked – why? God why are these children suffering from extreme poverty? why are they even been born if they will live like this? –
    your message reminded me (and I believe it): To trust God. God got it under control. And He will do what is right.

  5. Somebody's Mimi Avatar
    Somebody’s Mimi

    Oh this is a great one! And it does explain so much.

  6. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by MomsToolbox. MomsToolbox said: Trust in the Lord's justice. I plan to share todays Psalms SOAP with my son. But I think we all could use the reminder: […]

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