A Psalm A Day Week 2 Reading Schedule

Good morning and welcome to our second week of reading the Psalms together. I am thrilled that you reading with me!

If you haven’t been reading with me yet this session, just jump in right now where we are– the goal is time soaking in His wisdom so, please, join us anytime!

Last week was pretty easy to keep up with what to read, but now that we are in the second week, counting isn’t as easy. I created a quick schedule you can refer to as you read.

Each day we read just one Psalm. Here is the schedule for this week:

You can also download a PDF card of the A Psalm A Day schedule, if you’d like.

Today we are reading Psalm 8. Every single time I read Psalm 8 I cannot help but sing the first lines to myself. (If this doesn’t happen for you, feel free to pop on over to this link of Sandi Patti singing. And then you just might have that same reaction, too. :)

He is majestic. He is amazing.

And I am so glad we get to read about Him together.

In Love,


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