Adultery in the Bible: My ‘ah-HA!’ for today

I just picked up my Bible to do my reading a few moments ago and, pretty quickly I realized something I had never realized before today.

Before I get to it, though, I hope this doesn’t make the rest of you you roll your eyes and say “Duh, Amy!!” Let’s stay in a community of love and support here.  And please remember that I am very clear in sharing that I am NOT a Biblical scholar. I just like to read the Bible. A lot.

Okay. Here goes:

If you are a reader of the Bible, I would bet you have noticed that adultery is all over it. It  is discussed in so many ways with so many warnings. But, until this morning, I just glossed over all of those. Adultery is not a weakness with me. I have never had any temptation in my marriage and don’t see that I ever will. So as I read each passage I just prayed for others whom I know that have experienced it in some form or fashion and moved on.

This morning, though it finally occurred to me that God is talking about adultery to Him, to our Lord and Savior.

This is just another way He is telling us to keep our relationship with Him pure. When we lean on something other than Him, and build a relationship with something or someone that takes us away from Him, we are committing adultery. When I put Him off by saying I’ll get to my reading or studying or praying later, I am casting Him aside in favor of another.

Would I do that to my husband? When I committed to be with him to talk, listen or go on a date, would I tell him he needed to wait longer because I needed to check email and read other things on the internet for 45 minutes, re-organize the pantry, or meet up with friends? Or would I honor my commitment to him first and fit those other things in later?

Yes, things come up, and schedules need to be rearranged, but God needs to stay number one. And when things keep slipping I need to take a good hard look at why they are slipping. As they slip, am I genuinely talking to God about it and listening? Or am I allowing the enemy to gain a foothold and push me out of a good habit and a beautiful relationship?

All these warnings about adultery are warnings of Satan slipping in to our lives and coming between us and our Father.

Like I said, many of you might have already caught that one. But I’ve missed it every single time.

Except today. My eyes are opened even more. My heart is listening even more and I can’t wait to continue reading to see what else he has to say and what warnings he has for adultery in the rest of the book. I want to guard my relationship with Him.

Thanks, God, for this revelation today. I love you, I need you, and I don’t ever want to cheat on you, not even for a minute. And now I can work even harder at protecting myself from that type of adultery. Please, Lord, guide me in growing stronger for you.


12 responses to “Adultery in the Bible: My ‘ah-HA!’ for today”

  1. Sometimes we may not go so far as to commint spiritual adultery, but we definitely flirt with it.

  2. Our Lord reveals things to us in His time. We may read the same scripture verse for years and then one day God reveals a truth we have not been able to see before. It is amazing how God does things in His perfect time.

  3. Great insight! New to me! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Great connection! I love those Aha moments too!

  5. Haven’t looked at it that way. I’m kind of the “literal” type too… but God is challenging me and stretching me in this walk!

  6. Thank you for this! I too tend to read the Bible in a very straightforward, literal manner. Sometimes it takes me a while to catch the deeper meanings. I had never thought of it that way.

  7. That is so true! Thanks for sharing….

  8. Thank you for pointing that out Amy. Until you mentioned it I had never thought of that before, nor had I heard it. You’ve blessed me this morning!

  9. Wow! Thanks!

  10. That’s a really deep thought! I have noticed it before, but it is always good to be reminded that we need to be faithful to our faithful God.

  11. I love that you had an Aha, and I am grateful that you shared it with us. I had not thought of it in those terms before either, but I can see it too. I will be thinking and praying on this.

  12. Amy, the timing of your post is such a God thing. We talked about this last night in bible study and discussed how often adultery is equated with idolatry (Ex 16) because God has chosen us to be his people. In the bible study we read “to run after another master, whether it be an actual idol or simply our own selfish desires is to abandon the spiritual marriage we have with the Father.”
    Thanks for posting and being so faithful. Miss you!

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