Are ya hungry?

Scripture: Luke 6: 21

Blessed are you who hunger now,

For you will be satisfied…

Observation: This is just part of a larger collection of verses referred to as the Beatitudes, derived from blessings, which describe in Jesus’ words much of what it means to be a follower of Christ.

Application: Hunger is basic need that must be fulfilled in humans: We must have food to survive

The type of food we eat plays a big role in our health, though. Not just any food will sustain us. Eating foods that are so processed that they are not recognizable as anything that came from the earth for us to eat will not help us, but will ultimately harm our bodies. Whereas the more pure and basic our food is, the more nourishment we will receive.

The same is true with our spiritual hunger. Except here it is even more critical.

We need the Lord, His life gives us life. And we need it directly from the source: God, himself. The only way to satisfy that hunger directly is through Jesus Christ. And if we water that down and add to it lots of other philosophies or human deviations, we will be harmed.

Feed your hunger by going directly to the one true God through Jesus Christ. He knows you have that hunger. And he wants to satisfy it the only way it can truly be satisfied.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for putting a hunger for you in me. And thank you for satisfying that hunger when I go to you. No, it is not fully satisfied yet, but it will be when your will is all that is done. Thank you, Lord for the constant reminder to stay close and to keep away from false prophets, although they may be popular. Help those who do not know you to recognize that hunger for truth you have placed within them. Draw them closer to you so they too, can come closer to a satisfaction that can only come from you.


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