Are you reading the Proverbs in 31 Days with MomsToolbox?

I am thrilled to see so many of you reading through the Proverbs in 31 Days with me here on MomsToolbox. Together we are going to grow closer to God and, as mentioned in Proverbs 1, grow in wisdom.

Are you reading with us and wondering how to sign up?

I’ve received more than a few emails and messages on the MomsToolbox Facebook page as well here on the site asking that very question.

Unlike the Bible in 90 Days program where you must officially sign up and all the readers are divided into accountability groups, assigned mentors and required to check in, the Proverbs in 31 Days is much more low-key and self guided.

To participate, all you need to do is read the appropriate chapter in Proverbs each day, pray about it and consider journaling, perhaps by using the SOAP method.

I’d love for you to leave comments each day as you can, letting us know what you are hearing in the reading or commenting on what others have heard, but commenting or any form of checking in is not required.

If you’d like to tweet about your observations on Twitter, consider using the #Proverbs hashtag. There are lots of others on that stream, too, but not everyone is using our schedule. And not everyone is tweeting proverbs from the Bible. But I think we can shine a great light there. :)

If you are a blogger and are blogging your journey through the Proverbs in 31 Days on your own site, you are welcome to leave a link to your own post in the comments. Just leave a comment and then copy and paste the direct link to your own post (not the homepage, but the post) right in the comments box. If you do that, please also include a link to my post in your own post so that your readers can join the group over here, too.

I’ll publish my SOAP observations for each day’s reading on MomsToolbox around 11:30 CST the night before so that when you wake up each day you will be reminded of what to read when you visit my site.

If you subscribe to receive MomsToolbox in your email inbox, you should get a fresh email each day of the session with the current post. The easiest way to leave a comment from the email is to click on the title of the post when you have an internet connection. It will take you to the live post where you can scroll down and click to leave a comment and let us know how you are doing.

Thanks so much for joining me in reading the Proverbs together!

If you have any other questions, feel free to leave them right here in the comments.


One response to “Are you reading the Proverbs in 31 Days with MomsToolbox?”

  1. All so true! It’s funny how I read this, about adultery, and also came away with something else.
    Proverbs 5:21 – For a man’s ways are before the eyes of the Lord, and he ponders all his paths.

    As a believer I have always known that God see’s all that we do. It’s one of the first things they talk about in Sunday School. It’s also something that brings me great comfort when times are difficult and shame when I’m straying.

    But this verse stood out to me because of the word “ponder”. The diction describes this verb as: Think about (something) carefully, esp. Before deciding or concluding.

    So God sees all that we are doing, saying and thinking. BUT, thankfully for us, He is thinking about all of our actions before deciding how He will respond.

    What an amazing lesson for us! We need to throw all “snap judgements” out the window and follow Gods actions towards us!

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