B 90 Days Kings Chart

To help read and keep track of who is who in  1 and 2 Kings, Ted Cooper, who created the Bible in 90 Days program, shared this Kings chart with my group when I read through for the first time. Click over, print,  and use it if you’d like something to help you keep track.

Hang in there.. all of this may be a tad confusing, but it is all worth reading. Remember every bit of scripture is God-breathed.


4 responses to “B 90 Days Kings Chart”

  1. Thank you for this chart! I’ve been calling it my Kings scorecard. It has made it so much easier to keep track of who is ruler over Israel vs Judah and who is following God vs evil. I’ve also been writing beside each name how long each king ruled. I couldn’t avoid a little chuckle at Zimri and his 7 whole *days* as king.

  2. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by MomsToolbox, MomsToolbox. MomsToolbox said: Having trouble keeping track of which King is who in the @B90Days reading? Click over for a chart to help…… http://fb.me/ET5FO2RD […]

  3. Is this part of the group church package or something? I see that there is something below it as well.

    1. It was from the materials Ted made and used before Zondervan published the materials. I’ll see what I can do about scanning and posting some more of what he shared with us.

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