B 90 Days SOAP: Lots of sacrifices

Typically I find and post a Scripture, Observation, and Application of it and Prayer each day from the day’s reading, highlighting a small portion of the reading…

Today I just could not come up with 1-3 verses to use.

So I took a little liberty with it and what I do have is this:

Scripture: Chapters 28 and 29 outline a LOT of offerings. We’ve already read about many, many offerings in our 140 pages up to this point, but then here are more.

Observation: As I was reading I couldn’t help but wonder if God really thought anyone could keep to all those offerings and festivals and still keep track of them all.

Application: Could you imagine all the logistics? There were a lot of bulls, rams and lambs to be sorted and sacrificed. Those people had to really work together to keep it all straight. (And I find it challenging to keep things straight when coordinating a pot-luck dinner or class party, with much, much lower consequences for error.)

I am so thankful that Jesus came and died for me. I think I am an ‘okay’ person. I’m nice to most people most of the time. I try to help others and treat others as I would like to be treated.

But under all those Old Testament rules and regulations I know I would fall short. Very short.

And it just takes one teeny-weeny mistake to make me a sinner who falls short of God’s glory.

Prayer: Thank you, Jesus for enduring it all for me and all those others who also love you and accept your gift. Because ‘pretty good’ and even ‘amazingly good’ are not perfect. But Jesus Christ was a perfect sacrifice.

Please be with all those readers in our group who are struggling today. This reading isn’t as action-packed as Genesis was and lots of readers who were giving up sleep to make time to read have got to be getting tired now.

Let them hear your encouragement and the encouragement of others in our community and keep reading, keep hearing your word and getting ever closer to you.

Thank you so much for the opportunity to share this experience with so many. Please touch each reader in an undeniable way and change us as a result of spending this time with you.

Thank you, Lord.


6 responses to “B 90 Days SOAP: Lots of sacrifices”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by FishMama @ LifeasMOM, MomsToolbox. MomsToolbox said: Finally posted DAy 12 SOAP. Lots of sacrifices http://bit.ly/8tYv2z […]

  2. Great thoughts!
    .-= RuthintheDesert´s last blog ..This week Praising through the Bible =-.

  3. This is from yesterday my friend:


    Have a wonderful day!! Still have to read for today.

    In Him,

    .-= Jennifer´s last blog ..Happy First B-day Morgan Rose! =-.

  4. there are so many offerings… makes me think what can I offer God.

    1. hmmmm. good thought.

  5. Hey Amy, I finally posted an update on my blog and linked to you . Not sure if I routed it to the right spot, though.
    .-= celee´s last blog ..Our new and improved homeschool schedule, no really =-.

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