Bible in 90 Days, Day 11
Scripture: Numbers 14:20
The Lord replied, “I have forgiven them, as you asked.
Observation: Moses respectfully asked for forgiveness of those God initially said He would strike down. And God decided to offer forgiveness.
Application: The passages in the Bible where one person respectfully prays to God about forgiveness for others or asks God to change his mind about destroying people and God has mercy have always made an impression on me.
All those examples make me wonder for whom I need to be more diligent in praying and also, for what I should be more diligent about praying. How would our lives be changed if more of us really, really prayed, more often and more respectfully to God? I just wonder.
What else would be changed if we just prayed, all of us? My guess is that really big stuff would change.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for the answer to so many of our prayers before we even uttered a word in the gift of your son, Jesus Christ. He is the ultimate answer to prayer.
And thank you Lord for this reminder that you care and you listen and you want to hear from us. Please show me where I need to pray more. And when those things pop into my mind, don’t let me just stop at thinking about them. Please remind me to pray about them right then.
Thank you, Lord for your grace and your unending love. And thank you for your forgiveness of my grumbling, which can sometimes be just like those who were wandering in the desert. I am sorry.
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