B 90 Days Week 5/ Day 29 Check In

Just a warning: There will be some tough love in this post. But it’s really in here for your own good. Or for your fellow readers’ good.

And I do love you just the same whether you finish with us in October or not.

Okay, here goes:

I feel compelled to ask the question: How is your reading coming along?

I just care too much about this and don’t want anyone to get left behind.

For some of you, you are cruising along, having the time of your life, feeling inspired at every turn.

Others of you are plowing through, making changes in your schedule and staying on track.

A few of you are also plowing along, loving it, but feeling a little behind here and there.

And then there are some of you who feel as though you are so behind that there may not be any hope in finishing with the rest of us October 2.

If you are in the last group, you may start to wonder if you should even try to catch up. (Although I hope Kari’s post last week on a mega almost-30-day catch up cleared that up for a bunch of you.)

You might start justifying stopping by saying “I’m reading more of the Bible than I have, so I’ll just switch to the one-year plan,” Or, ” I’ll pick back up in a few days and finish in 110. Nothing lost if I do that. I’m spending more time in the Word, so that’s okay, right?”

To this I say “No, it is not okay. ” (I warned you about the tough love.)

When you decided that you wanted to jump in and join us in this challenge, you did it for a reason. And that was because you wanted to commit yourself to read, attentively, every word of the Bible in 90 days with the rest of us. You likely also had a reason why you wanted that.

I’d like for you to think back on why you wanted to read every word of the Bible in 90 days. Write it down.  And let’s make that happen. Together.

We don’t have face-to-face meetings as most 90-day reading groups have, so it’s a bit of a challenge for me and our team of mentors to encourage every single one of you individually. But every single one of you is important to us. And as a group we can encourage each other to get it done.

If you fall out of the group, you will lose the rest of your team praying for you and cheering for you. And you’ll lost the accountability factor which definitely leads to success in this program.

If you stop now, it is quite likely you will not pick back up again. And it is very likely you will not finish. Ever.

I want you to finish. For you.

So what can I do to help? And what can the rest of our team of readers do to help? Leave a comment with why you are struggling or how we can pray for you. And I’ll do whatever I can to help you succeed. Also, send your mentor a note directly and let her know you are struggling. She wants to encourage and help you, too. If you signed up using the B90 Days form a few weeks back and you don’t know who your mentor is, please send me a note and I’ll let you know. Or if you didn’t sign up that way and would like a mentor, I would be happy to set you up with one.

For those that aren’t behind, or aren’t in danger of slipping too far back, I have a few questions for you:

1. Why did you decide to read the Bible in 90 days and why are you sticking to it?

2. Have you seen any change in your life as a result of this commitment? If so, what?

Please, whether you are behind, on schedule or ahead, consider leaving a comment that might help someone else who needs it as your check in comment this week. Also let us know where you are in the reading. I promise no judgment no matter where you are, just lots of love.

And, as always, please feel free to email me anytime using the green button on my sidebar.

I really love each of you and want to celebrate in October with all of you after having read the entire Bible together.  You CAN do it!

So… how’s it coming? Please leave a comment at the end of this post as this week’s check in and, if you are blogger, you know the linky drill: Be sure to link up directly to your blog post and also mention and link to this post on the post on your own blog.

You will be able to leave a comment on this post until I close the comments right after I wake up Tuesday morning. You will be able to join the linky until Tuesday at 2 a.m. CST. To view the comments once they are closed, click on the title of this post. Then, scroll down to the bottom of the post and click where it says “127 Comments.” This will open the comments up for viewing. There are some very encouraging ones, so I would encourage you to take a look if you have time.

I’m excited for each of you for having the courage to commit to this challenge. And I know your life will be changed by Him after reading the whole Bible, cover to cover, in 90 days.

Hope to catch ya tonight on Twitter from 8-9 CST using the #B90Days hashtag! Bring your questions and get ready to chat!


127 responses to “B 90 Days Week 5/ Day 29 Check In”

  1. Okay, you were talking to me in this post! :-) I’m a few days behind–I’m not sure how many. I’m right at 2 Kings 10. I almost always fall behind on the weekends, and dh was off this past Friday, too, and we took our girls to the pool. If I’m out of my routine at all, I get behind. I homeschool my two girls and have a 2 month old son, and I usually read while rocking and feeding him. However, if I don’t have a chance to do it then, it doesn’t get done.

    I am going to catch up, though! Pray for me!

  2. Chrissy D Avatar
    Chrissy D

    I’m caught up though I still have to do today’s reading. I was behind a little yesterday due to some weekend activities with the kiddos…
    I decided to do the Bible in 90 Days because I’ve never read the Bible in it’s entirety before. I read references to the OT in the NT and have always wondered about the whole story. I am sticking with this commitment because it isn’t just for me. I have been paid for by Jesus Christ and it is a commitment I made before Him to do this and learn about the LORD.
    The changes in my life are amazing! I no longer watch TV during the week. I purpose myself to get up at 5 AM each day to spend some quiet time in the Word before the kiddos get up and I’ve found a sense of peace through it all. I feel God when I read about the things He has said and done for His people. How privileged I am to live on His earth and obey Him!
    In Christ!

  3. I am a little ahead of schedule and that is comfortable. I started out behind because I heard about it late then I procrastinated a while. “I don’t have time. I wont be able to finish. That will make my headache worse. etc.”

    I decided to challenge myself and I am so glad I did. There are so many things I had forgotten. I studded the Bible, both testaments in College but have not read all of it since. I have read most of it probably in sections, lessons, and just readings but this is different. It has been like reading a novel.

    Reading the Bible like this has changed me in that I am calmer and focused on the Lord. It has redirected my priorities.

  4. I had company from out of town this weekend. i am 2 days behind. Hoping to catch up this week. What a blessing this has been.
    Blessings to all we we aim forward with the bounty of His precious Word.

  5. Shannon Avatar

    I am right on target with the reading and have completed today’s reading as well. My main reason and goal for reading through the Bible in 90 Days is simply to fulfill a longing desire that I have had for a very long time which is to read through every word and instruction that God has ordained within the entire contents of the Bible.

    The 90 Day reading plan seems to be just what I needed to accomplish this goal as I believe the plan allows you to become more immersed in God’s Word by covering a larger scale of reading each day. This coupled with the weekly check in, the mentors, and all of the readers walking alongside one another, is definitely a positive motivator in staying the course and completing this life changing, and eye opening journey.

    This process has been truly rewarding and I look forward to spending time in God’s Word and am always striving to look for ways to apply God’s word in my everyday life, relationships, circumstances, and surroundings. It is so wonderful when you receive a whole new outlook or perspective when reading a verse that is already familiar to you; or when you are blessed to see even the little possibly overlooked things in life through a grateful servant’s eyes instead.

    For those who may be a little discouraged, we always seem to become overly distracted or overly busy or burdened in our everyday lives at the very time it is possible that we are about to receive one of God’s glorious and unexpected blessings over our lives. So I continue to encourage those who are behind in the reading regardless of to what extent, to stay the course and continue to read through the entire Bible with an open and receptive heart. It may seem to be an impossible task for those who are behind, but as His Word states, all things are possible with God and this is just another example of His truth and promise to us all!

    We are all blessed to be a blessing; therefore, we must first receive His full instruction in order to completely and effectively fulfill our purpose. Abundant blessings and gratitude to all of the readers, and to Amy and all of the wonderful mentors for continuing to lead us, encourage us, and pray for us throughout the course of our Bible reading journey together!

    God certainly knows all things and He obviously knows that each of us holds the desire to read through all of His Word; but He also knew that we would need each other to see it through. So He has even blessed each of us at this very moment with one another in order to fulfill the reasons we all felt lead to begin this journey in the first place as He ultimately directed all of our steps here.

  6. Joline Walker Avatar
    Joline Walker

    I am struggling with my reading, but have caught up. Still dealing with health issues for my youngest boy and his downtime allows me to do some reading. Off to the doctor again today so I made sure to pack my Kindle for some waiting room me time before the screaming that comes with his doctor appointments kicks in. God bless us all!

  7. Jaycelyn Avatar

    So far so good. I’m looking forward to seeing how 1 and 2 Chronicles adds to what we’ve learned about the kings in 1 and 2 Kings.

  8. Pamela Shamblin Avatar
    Pamela Shamblin

    I’m proud to say that I’m up-to-date with the reading. I’ve been reading each day and enjoying it! I started this as a personal challenge for myself and to obtain a better understanding of His word. I had heard that the year-long program was not as successful as the 90-day program so I made the commitment and am praying for the discipline to stick with it. Changes? Yes! I’ve made a habit now of getting up in the morning to read the bible and its start my day off in a positive way!

  9. I’m on track!! YIPPEEE!

  10. I am so happy to report that I am caught back up in my reading and actually a little ahead! I am not going to let myself get behind again! I want to finish this challenge this time! I will do this! Thanks for the prayers!

  11. Kirsten Perkins Avatar
    Kirsten Perkins

    Greetings! This time last week I was 6 days behind. I am happy to report that by the grace of God, prayers and my husband helping with the kids, I am caught back up and feeling great about it! Thanks for the prayers, Have a blesseed week!

  12. A week ago, I was almost one week behind but I have happily say that I am completely caught up and on track. I still have to do today’s reading but I am so proud of myself for catching up! Thank you so much for all the encouragement~!

  13. 1. Why did you decide to read the Bible in 90 days and why are you sticking to it?
    I decided to do this program because 1) I have never read through God’s word from beginning to end 2) I need the accountability and the sense of belonging is an added benifit 3) to draw closer to God through his word.
    2. Have you seen any change in your life as a result of this commitment? If so, what?
    I have made the time. Even if it means staying up until 1am, I get my reading done. We disconnected our satalite dish, so that the temptation of watching television, versus doing/reading something productive was no longer there, have also been purging unneeded belongings to free up all of the time I spend picking “stuff” up. After reading the OT, I am really greatful that I was chosen to live on earth now rather than then :)

  14. chanti keast Avatar
    chanti keast

    I just finished reading Exodus last night. I am starting Day 8 of the reading today. I seem to keep getting farther behind, but I am still reading at every available moment. Available moments just seem hard to come by these days. I keep praying. And Keep reading. And keep looking for ways to fit more reading into my day. I was so inspired by last weeks post :) I guess I just need to pray more and try harder. I really really want to finish with this group!
    To all those that are right on track: Yay!! You’re doing a great job!!
    To all those that are behind: You can do it!!

  15. Lisa Schlenker Avatar
    Lisa Schlenker

    I am doing great on my reading and am really enjoying it. I am actually 2 days ahead. Hopefully this will help when we start school in a couple of weeks.

  16. Thanks so much for this post. I’m getting closer and closer to catching up. I’m now in Samuel and discovered I can plow through at a rate of 3 days worth of reading in one day. I think I might be getting sick, however. I have a horribly painful sore throat today and I don’t know if it’s from allergies or a virus. Either way, please pray for me. I don’t want to fall further behind because I’m sick. Also, please keep praying for my husband and me as the big move is in 24 days and I start studying at a new college in 28 days!

  17. Tabatha Avatar

    Ok, so once again I’m behind. I’m just so incredibly busy that by time I have time to sit down and read for a little, I’m so exhausted I end up falling asleep. And I can’t read in the mornings, my kids don’t leave me alone which I’m hoping will change once school starts. I’m determined to get caught up within the next day or two since I have a yard sale coming up at the end of the week! I was ahead of the game but August is always an extremely busy time for me! I’ll get there! I always do!!! :-)

  18. I am really behind…just starting Deuteronomy. Weekends with church and family commitments are my downfall. Hoping to catch up somewhat this week- hope its not too late. I do want to do this!

  19. I”m 6 days behind, but last Monday I was nearly 8 days behind, so I am moving forward. I’ll work on getting more caught up this week. School starts in 22 days and I’ll only have 1 home in the afternoons, so I might even get ahead then:) I WILL finish on time.

  20. Kimberly Avatar

    I forgot to mention. Going on vacation. Will be out of town next Monday and won’t be able to post; hopefully, I’ll be all caught up when I catch up with everyone in 2 weeks.

  21. Kimberly Avatar

    4 days behind. Ugh. I’ve been doing well up until this past week. I’ll work diligently to get caught up.

  22. I am going to start Proverbs today.

    1. Why did you decide to read the Bible in 90 days and why are you sticking to it?
    I decided to read the Bible through this way simply because I had never done it before and wanted to get a bird’s eye view by reading it rapidly. I am sticking to it because I LOVE it…can’t get enough of His word!

    2. Have you seen any change in your life as a result of this commitment? If so, what?
    There have been big changes: a love for His word, faster conviction of sin, a need for repentance, a feeling of love and peace as I watch God’s plan unfold before me. He is so perfect and it clearly shows when you read the Bible like this.

  23. Im up to date with my reading.

    1. Why did you decide to read the Bible in 90 days and why are you sticking to it? Its something Ive always wanted to do and never had the encouragement to do it! So when I found your site through another blog I was determined that it was a sign that it was time to go forward with my goal!

    2. Have you seen any change in your life as a result of this commitment? If so, what? Im finding that its really helped me step away from the computer and tv and just spend time with my family more! Take full advantage of family time daily and also showing myself that I can stick with something for once!

  24. I have fallen behind on some days but I catch up. I fall behind because I have 3 children under 6 who just don’t let me sit down and read what I need to read and when they are in bed at night I am too tired to read and I don’t wake up early in the morning.
    So, I catch up when my husband is off of work on my reading. But, I would have given up more times than I can count if it wasn’t for this challenge!

  25. Just thought I would check in while I am sitting in Starbucks using the Internet. We moved this weekend and our house doesn’t have internet yet! So no blog post for this week. I am so glad that I have had the reading through this busy time. It has provided stability and kept my focus on the Lord during the move. Very refreshing! Still enjoying. Missed yesterday’s reading due to the busy moving day and couldn’t quite make myself get up at 5 AM when I went to bed at 1 Am due to packing! See ya next week!

  26. I’m in 2 Kings. A little behind but staying pretty much with the pack I think. It’s worth it to me to keep going. I just read a few extra pages to get caught up with I get a little behind. I was getting messed up on what day was what for a while. I thought I was on track and then realized I was supposed to be on the next day. Whoops!

  27. I am still on schedule, I thought I would read ahead over vacation, but that did not happen (the beach was too much fun). But I did read each day on vacation!! I’m worried about this weekend as I will be in NYC for Blogher and I know if I don’t read ahead, that I will be behind(sadly).

    I started this B90 for me, I have attempted to read the bible a couple of times and always leave it . . . I think if I am held accountable, I will be more likely to actually finish. I am supported by my children and I LOVE that they know momma is ready the bible(and trying to complete it in 90 days). My son was so excited that he started to read as well, but being only 8 years old, this version was a bit much for him and he stopped and I am totally okay with that.

    The only changes I have seen really in myself is that I am thinking of God more . . . thinking of the words I am reading and wondering what is going to happen next . . . not sure if anything is changing in me because of this???

  28. Rebecca Avatar

    I am on track.

    1. I decided to read because I need the consistency of having a reading plan in place. I like reading everyday. I am sticking with it because I put it on my to-do list everyday and I LOVE checking things off my list! :)

    2. I can’t say that I have seen any changes in my life, except that I am challenged a lot by what I read. The OT is tough to swallow sometimes but it is a reminder of how sovereign and just God is. I am looking forward to the rainbows and sunshines of the NT with Jesus! :)

  29. Tammy B Avatar
    Tammy B

    Starting Chronicles today! I did get behind a little while helping my daughter after her baby was born last Sunday. I am so thankful that I have to check in every week. It makes me so determined to be on track. I have always started a year plan and never made it past the first few months. So this seemed like something I could possibly do. Thank you Amy for this challenge. I have had such a reminder of how much God hates sin, how important the blood sacrifice is, how patient He is with us, how much He loves us and how the OT shows us the need for a Savior! I have struggled in the past at times with believing that the OT does not have as much to say to us today as the NT. Not anymore! Thank you.

  30. I am where I should be! YAY! I am on day 63 today, which begins Daniel. I did a Beth Moore Daniel study earlier this spring so I am looking forward to reading Daniel again.

    Just a few more days and then I am on the New Testament, and I am really pumped about that! I love the writing style, the stories, the pace of the NT and I hopefully will get a little bit ahead on my reading.

    From Aug. 14-22 I will be out of town visiting family and I am a little concerned about how I will fit in all my reading on those days. So I will try to get ahead as much as I can and perhaps I will just read fewer chapters while I am traveling. BUT there’s always downtime so I may just be able to keep on going!

    At any rate, I do intend to finish by the end of this month and I think it will happen.

  31. 1. Why did you decide to read the Bible in 90 days and why are you sticking to it? I like a challenge and what better way to challenge than to read the Bible. I have found the listings of historical records are a bit tough to get through but I liked having the list of Kings to work through.

    2. Have you seen any change in your life as a result of this commitment? If so, what? The change I have seen is beginning to be excited about reading the Bible. I have read the Bible from cover-to-cover before, but had not done so in a long time. I am reading II Chronicles today.

    If I can do this anyone can.

  32. I’m five chapters behind.

    The more I read the OT and all it’s tales of wayward, tolerant kings, the more I appreciate, and LOVE how Jesus came with a completely different attitude and approach to people. He really is a radical King! :)


  33. I’m right on track! My husband and I were both a few days behind, but we spent yesterday afternoon reading all of 2 Kings, and we’re back on track. I’m so excited and thankful that God has been blessing us in this challenge and commitment.

  34. Reading is going very well! Still up-to-date and loving the discipline it’s given me. Hopefully it remains so. :)

    I’m excited to be coming across things I’ve never read before! :)

  35. I was away on vacation last week and the lack of normal routine threw me off. However, I plan to read two day’s reading each day until I catch up–hopefully within four days! (I am traveling again in two weeks, so I want to be caught up and prevent falling behind again.)

    I think the lack of routine also coincided with my typical pattern of getting off track with reading plans a few weeks again. However, I am committed to finishing this one and am praying the Lord clears my schedule for the next few weeks for ample reading time.

  36. I am also caught up on my reading. I just finished Day 45 this morning, and have just started Proverbs.

    I wanted to read the Bible in 90 Days to improve my relationship with the Lord, and to also better understand scripture.

    I feel the biggest change that I have seen in my life is that my daily devotional time is now habit. I love that, and I love spending time every day with God. Every time I read, I hear Him tell me something different.

  37. I am on track: started 1 Chronicles this morning. Although there have been a couple of days that I have fallen behind, I have made up for it by reading more pages the following day.
    I humbly thank God that He has given me the grace to keep this commitment. His Word has been a healing balm to my sin-sick soul….and in this particular time of my life – I so literally need His Word to be intravenously fed to me. It’s been wonderful because I have just taken my Bible in 90 Days with me wherever I go…reading bits in the morning; at lunch; and in the late afternoons. The Bread of Life has been my sustenance throughout each day.
    [big sigh] I so need it. I so need HIM.

  38. 1. Why did you decide to read the Bible in 90 days and why are you sticking to it?
    I had never been able to stick to a through-the-Bible-in-a-year schedule before and thought that, maybe, if I committed to this quicker reading plan, it would work for me. And, it has! I am loving it and getting so much more out of it while reading through larger chunks of Scripture at a time.
    My 16-year-old daughter is reading along with me, so it helps to keep each other accountable.

    2. Have you seen any change in your life as a result of this commitment? If so, what?
    Yes. First of all, it’s become a habit. I don’t always read at the same time each day – sometimes I read first thing in the morning, other days I read before bedtime at night; but I have not missed a day. Sometimes I almost find it humorous the things that I pick out of each day’s reading; but they are FOR ME, and that’s exciting!

  39. A day behind, I guess 2 now, I will catch up today! :)

  40. I’m caught up. I started this because I, too, needed a kick start to read Scripture on my own again. I became lazy because as a family, we are immersed in the Word a lot through church, family worship, homeschool Bible and memory, songs, discussions… This has really helped me to see the big picture again. I smile to see familiar stories in the larger context and am just in awe of God’s perfect plan, and His consistency. He never changes! I just think of each day’s reading and not of the larger goal overall, that helps me to not feel overwhelmed.

  41. I am caught up. I am enjoying the reading as this is my second time to read the Bible in 90 days. I’m getting not just a refresher course or new understanding of what the Bible is really about like I did last time, but also I’m gaining a new love for the Word, a new sense of how it applies to every aspect of life and a renewed love of God and his plan for my life.
    Keep reading, you’ll be glad you did!!!

  42. I added my blog post to Mr. Linky but wanted to say that I may not be checking in next week as I am starting a internet/email free week which may extend into next week.

  43. I’m on schedule right now. I got behind twice this week, but was able to catch up.

    I decided to read in 90 days because I needed something intense to get me back in the Word on a daily basis. I was very excited about the accountability this offered as well.

    There are two main changes that I have notices so far… I find myself thinking about scripture all the time, what I just read, what I’m going to be reading, etc. I love that.

    Secondly, I also have been shocked at how much “extra” time I have when I really give my highest priorities the time they deserve. There are so many little things that just waste time. With this program, I always want my reading to come before internet or email, so I find I need much less time online.

    Thanks for the encouragement! Happy reading!

  44. Roberta Avatar

    Roberta and Rhonda are still here and plugging along. Nevertheless prayers are always welcome. So inspiring to see Rhonda do as well as she is. Thank you Lord for the encouragement You give her and others!

  45. I’m caught up – I got a couple days behind this week but blocked out time in Friday night to get caught up. I really pray for God’s grace when I read and I feel that He bestows it so that the reading goes quickly and is inspiring.

    I really got a lot out of 1 and 2 Kings – reading it all so quick gave me such a fear of the Lord about His response to our lives! I really want to draw near to Him in total obedience, and I can really see through His Word that He *does* bring blessing on obedience and consequences to disobedience. I don’t want to be on the ‘consquences’ side – Eek!

  46. I’m caught up! I’d hoped to be a few days ahead, to make room for slacking when baby comes, but being just caught up seems to be the best I can do right now. Loving my second time through in 90 days!

  47. I’m a day behind but have plans to catch up by tonight! Thanks for the tough love, I needed it. Though I haven’t thought of giving up, I did let my commitment slide this week due to “busy-ness”. Recommitting and will not get behind again!


  48. OH LORD…and i just realized that it’s SUNDAY night..not monday!! lol…and i couldn’t figure out why i was the first comment…i better get to sleep!

  49. dreadfully behind…and also start a new job this week…worried that i might just give up :(