B 90 Days Week 6/ Day 36 Check in

Greetings Blogging Through the Bible in 90 Days/ Bible in 90 Days readers!

If you started with us on July 2, then you are already more than 1/3 of the way there!

Stick a bookmark in your Bible, turn it sideways and look at how much of His Word you have read consecutively! Pretty cool, don’t you think?

And even cooler is what you must be hearing from Him through all of this time you have spent together! And also cool is how many new people have been praying for you since July 2!

Even if you are not caught up, I would guess that you are still much farther along than you would have been had you not been reading with us. And that’s something worth sticking to… right?

To those of you who are not caught up and feeling a little frustrated, I have this to say:

No, you may not be more than 1/3 of the way into the reading. But you are more than 1/3 of the way into the calendar commitment. I bet if you rev it up for the next week or so, you WILL be caught up with the reading, as well. Make it a goal to be with us by Day 45 on August 18, our halfway point.  Pray about it. Ask Him to show you when to read. If you are really far back, then make it a goal to be half-way caught up by August 18, and completely caught up by September. You can do this, if you want to. He will help you. And I will do what I can to help you, too!!

To those of you are are caught up, I have this:

Congratulations on sticking to an incredibly worthy goal! Keep it up and it won’t be long before you will have read the entire Bible with us! I have no doubt sermons are already having more meaning for you. I am thrilled and excited for you… Keep it up!!

Today, as you check in and let us know where you are in the reading, let us know where you are reading. Consider telling us one place you have been reading your Bible that you might not have read it so much before this challenge. It’s always fun to see how everyone else is reading!

A few of my crazy places?

  • Sitting on the floor of a store waiting for my number to be called.
  • Waiting for my kids during their activities where someone always asks if what I’m reading is a good book. (Yeah… THE Good Book!)
  • Hiding in the bathroom.
  • On the road waiting for a traffic accident to be cleared. We were at a standstill for a very long time. I promise.
  • And snuggling with my kids while they read books of their own.

Link up, leave a comment and let us know how (and where) you are doing.

If you are linking a blog post, the post must mention where you are in the reading and be linked back to this post. It also must be a current post, published after the last check-in date.

The linky closes Tuesday morning at 2 a.m. CST.

Hope to see you tonight on Twitter from 8-9 CST to chat about the reading using the #B90Days hashtag.


121 responses to “B 90 Days Week 6/ Day 36 Check in”

  1. I’m up to date on my reading. My favorite place to read is right before bed laying in bed just relaxing. I also read during nap time on the couch.

  2. I am behind – but will be caught up by tonight. I was simply too tired to read yesterday after returning from Blogher! My brain stopped a bit once I arrived home. Will be reading my days missed tonight though!!

  3. I’m all caught up in my reading! I’ve been reading while I eat breakfast, in the car when I ride to work in the morning (don’t worry–I’m not driving), at my desk at work, in the church van on the way to a Youth conference, during long car trips, etc.

    I think that the reason why I’ve had so much success keeping up with B90 is that it’s such a big chunk of reading that I have to prioritize it and do it early in the day or it won’t get done. When I tried to read through the Bible in a year, I would put off the reading until the end of the day when I was half asleep which would lead to little retention and lots of falling behind.

    I carry my Bible with me everywhere now! I’ve even had the opportunity to share with others what I’m doing. They usually look at me like I’m crazy–especially those who know that I haven’t even managed to finish reading the Bible from when I started back in 2009. I’m proving them wrong! I can do this. Not only can I do this, but God can and is doing wonderful things in my life through this reading program.

  4. Tabatha Avatar

    I’m really far behind but I’m faithfully trying to get caught up again. I need to be caught up by the end of the month! I will be caught up by the end of the month!!! :-)

  5. Checking in — still behind. Reading when I can, and love the bookmark thing you mentioned! It is SO inspiring to see how far I’ve come over the last month+. :)

  6. I caught up last week only to fall behind again this weekend! :-( I’m still in Nehemiah, but I’m NOT GIVING UP!!!!

  7. I am on schedule in my reading, though I still have a few more chapters to finish today’s reading, but the day is not yet over, right?!

    My favorite place to read is out in the back yard while the kids play. I often take a break between chapters for a little play time, then read a few more.

  8. Tiffany Avatar

    I am amazingly completely caught up! I fell a little behind over the past week, but I read a lot the past two days. I read usually in bed or while watching the kids run around the house. I am amazed at how far we’ve read. This is truly a blessing!

  9. I’ve been reading in the morning but today was our first day back to school and I have a little 5 (soon to be 6) year old that was very excited to start her first day of 1st grade. Actually all the girls want to start right away in the morning and finish their work while my little guy runs around getting into everything. I’m not sure how the rest of the reading will go but today went well and I even read an extra few chapters. My husband also just told me he read today’s reading so we could read the same scriptures.

  10. Today I finished Day 37. I have read in the dentists’ office waiting room, but mostly in my living room while my children read or play near me.

  11. Im on the last chapter of Esther. I have also read everywhere. Bathroom is popular. In the lounge at work, and in bed.

  12. I am in Esther, so on today’s reading.

    I am not sure how this week will look, I fell his morning and badly bruised my knee cap, so if I can figure out a way to prop up with my Bible I might even get ahead before next week’s trip!

  13. I am still behind. But the good news is that I’m no further behind than I was last Monday. Each day I’ve read and now I’ve started taking some baby steps to getting caught up. I’m still thrilled to see how far I”ve gotten!

  14. Joline Walker Avatar
    Joline Walker

    Slightly behind again, but not far (less than a day off pace). I catch up and slip back but I have not been reading at night like I should. That changed as of last night as I blocked off some ME TIME.

  15. I’m hanging in there….Reading through the summer with 5 little ones has proved very challenging…I’m still a bit behind, but this week is a major catch-up week, so I’m confident I’ll be right on track really soon.

  16. Rachel F Avatar
    Rachel F

    Gratefully caught up.
    I read once while I waited at the DMV- it helped me have patience:)

  17. Finished the whole book of Nehemiah last night! Don’t think I’ve ever read that book!!

    I’ve tried reading my Bible throughout the day, but it is too difficult with 4 needy children. I just can’t concentrate.

    However, reading in the evenings is becoming increasingly difficult…esp. on days that are busy and leave us weary. Last night was one of them!

    I have found switching positions and getting up to walk around once in a while helps to refocus. (Get a drink or a snack and come right back). My husband and I read together right on our living room couch.

    I am looking forward to reading Esther!! Pretty soon, the history will be behind us. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve enjoyed it — though the genealogies were a challenge. But I am looking forward to Psalms, Proverbs and reading the books of the prophets — another area of the Bible I have never read all the way through. :)

  18. Melinda Avatar

    I’m here, caught up. No longer on twitter (just didn’t like it).

  19. Jaycelyn Avatar

    We had company yesterday so I’m behind by one day, but hopefully I’ll be caught up soon.

  20. Pamela Shamblin Avatar
    Pamela Shamblin

    I lost some steam last week and have fallen a day behind. I tried to read on the plane this morning, but fell asleep! It was too early! I need to read Sunday and Monday and will be caught up in a couple of days. I’m excited to be so far along and that is helping keep me motivated!

  21. Kirsten Perkins Avatar
    Kirsten Perkins

    Hey there! I am three days behind due to school starting back for one of my sons and an emotional and very busy weekend. I WILL get caught up this evening after work! I have to say that I have listened to the Bible on CD a couple of days while I am making the long commute to the sitters then to work so I keep from getting too behind. I also wake up an hour before everyone else in our home on the days I don’t work to read peacefully, lol. The craziest place I have ever read during this was twice I read while I laid outside before the heatwave struck. Not too crazy, but that’s me. haha. Have a great week!

  22. music_girl29 Avatar

    I got caught up last night, but I will admit that this week has been the hardest for me to stay on schedule b/c of schedule changes around the house. But I’m very committed to completing this goal and spent extra time Friday and Sunday to complete the week and get caught up. Right now I’m most excited about reading parts of the Bible I’ve never read or studied that much.

    I prefer to read the each days reading in whole, so I curl up on my couch or loveseat and read each day after my hubby goes to bed. Before entering this challenge, the time I’m reading my Bible would have been time spent watching tv and playing on the internet – such a better use of time to be studying God’s word :-)

  23. Still keeping up! Busy this week, so don’t have time to do a real blog post about it though.


  24. I am a bit behind, but still hanging in there. I read EVERYWHERE! I have Kindle on my BlackBerry & my iPod, so even if I don’t have a copy of the Scriptures with me, I can still read anytime, anywhere!

    Andrea in NC

  25. Tammy B Avatar
    Tammy B

    I am on day 36. I read at home, in my car, at my desk. Wherever I can when I am struggling. Usually I read at home on my sofa where it is quiet and I am most comfortable. Glad to be in Esther. One of my favorite books!

  26. I am right on track, yay! Caught up over the weekend. Busy week coming up and vacation next week, will keep reading and hope not to get behind. Wow August 18th is our halfway point, that’s my husband’s birthday, I will have 2 special things to celebrate that day! I am reading my Bible all over the place – in the car before work and at lunch, in the passenger seat when my husband is driving me, with the kids while they do their own reading, in the backyard on Sundays while waiting for the clothes to dry…all over I guess! Hope everyone has a great week, I love reading all the comments and blog posts. For those behind, don’t despair, you can do it! I fall behind on the weekends but catch up by Monday. It’s doable!

  27. I am so thankful I decided to do this challenge. Reading the Bible through with no pressure to study or dissect passages and messages has made reading the story of God’s people a pleasure. It’s been called the “Greatest story ever told” and I think we forget that. We are so caught up in the parts that we forget to look at the whole. Thank you for the opportunity to join you. Also Thanks to Samantha, my preacher’s wife, for tuning me in to this challenge.

  28. Malisa P. Avatar
    Malisa P.

    Hi there! I’m on Day 32. Anxiously awaiting getting caught up by the end of this week! Thanks for all you do.

  29. I am in Jeremiah…I normally read at the pool while my kids are taking swim lessons.

  30. I am up to date. Things are busy but God is faithful!

  31. Rebecca Avatar

    I am one day behind. Hoping to get caught up today. :)

  32. still clikcing along – continued to be surprised how well this is going! I miss a day or two but then I get sucked into reading the bible and the stories are so interesting and relevant that I catch up quickly. I really love the flow of reading the stories and seeing a little how God must feel – He blesses, people are weak or poor and they listen and follow then He blesses/protects/guides and as SOON as they get bigger, richer and stronger they turn to worthless gods of stone/wood. He punishes (as He should – I do the same with my kids) by using other people/drought/sickness and they live in this for a while then turn back while they are weak!! Happens time and time again!! Why does God have so much patience, Why does He put up with me!! =)

  33. Hi! I am one day behind. We were on vacation last week, the first with our 8 month old! It was the most exhausting “vacation” we have ever had.

    I normally read on my lunch break or in bed at night.

    Thanks for all the encouragement!

  34. Kay Schenkel Avatar
    Kay Schenkel

    County fair started this week-end and now I am one day behind. I’ll catch up by tomorrow. I’ve been reading in the lunchroom at work if I don’t finish by reading first thing in the morning.

  35. The busyness of getting ready for school has caught up with me and I lagged a bit this week (thankful that I was ahead already!). I started Day 36 yesterday but was able to get through a few days last night and will be starting the Psalms today.

    I have mainly been reading in bed, but when we first started the challenge I was reading in the car while waiting for the kids at camps and also at the pool.

  36. I am hanging in there, a bit behind, but still here

  37. Nanette Avatar

    Now seven days behind…getting a little discouraged, but remembering that God is with me on this journey. Taking it one day at a time. I know it’s not too late to catch up.

  38. Roberta Keen Avatar
    Roberta Keen

    Roberta and Rhonda Lee are alittle behind, but still pushing forward. Can’t believe how exciting the old testament is again to me. Wonderful to have something to totally look forward to each day. Excited and expectantly looking forward to what God has in store for us all today!!!

  39. After a cross-country Uhaul move from Virginia to Texas last week I am 5 days behind :( I am not too disappointed with myself because I still read every day (just not as much as needed). I hope to be caught up by this Friday! I am so looking forward to the New Test. though! lol

  40. I am on time! Today is Day 52 for me in Isaiah. I am super excited that the New Testament is on the horizon!!

    I read in the mornings for the first part of the challenge, but will now move to the evenings. I am a teacher, and am going back to work today, so I will be shifting my schedule. I have been reading at doctor’s offices, parks, and the dinner table as well though!

  41. I’m caught up! I read about 1/3 of the day’s reading at breakfast, 1/3 at naptime, and 1/3 before I go to sleep. It doesn’t take very long to read a day’s worth if you schedule it!

  42. On time! I’m on day 70 today which is in Matthew. LOVE the gospels and I’m glad I’m here!

    I might or might not be able to check in next Monday since I will be traveling, but if not the 16th then I’ll pop over on the 23rd.

  43. I wondered if I would be able to stay on target while hubby and I were on vacation, I did it. I begin Esther today. I have two favorite places to read. You’ll either find me in my rocking chair or snuggled up on my bed.

  44. I am caught up. I’m kinda boring, and usually just read in the living room. :-) But then, I don’t have kids or husband yet, so I guess it’s easier for me… (sad sigh).

  45. -I’m right on schedule. I’am now starting to read Esther
    -On my office desk. I usually come to office early, so I read before office hours and during lunch time.
    -once, in the beauty parlor while I soak my feet for foot spa.
    -In our house. I think my family got curious the first time I read the Bible… now, they are reading the Bible too. I learned, if you want the person to read the Bible – 1st give them Bible, then 2nd show them the importance of the Bible to you. Eventually, they will read the Bible too. :)
    -Just want to share a quote from CH Spurgeon, The secret of Power in Prayer. For me this sum up benefit of reading the Bible everyday- Jesus, in the esteem of abiding believers, grows sweeter and dearer, fairer and more lovely, day by day. Not that He improves in himself, for He is perfect; but that as we increase in our knowledge of Him, we appreciate more thoroughly His matchless excellences.

  46. LauraBeth Avatar

    Behind, behind, behind! And, for the first time, a little discouraged about it. Last week was a rough week all the way around, and I arrived at the weekend absolutely exhausted. Weekends are never good, and now I’m more behind. I’ll definitely be working on it this next week, and praying past the discouragement!

  47. I was behind by 4 days at one point in the last week {gasp} and I am caught up as of last night. Read first thing this am before the craziness started. Amazed that I’ve done it.

    And so glad for genealogies and list that I can skim!

    And even more glad that I’m not the only one who reads in the bathroom. I was wondering if that was unclean….

    Thanks for watching over us, Amy!

  48. I’m behind a day for the first time, but reading right now to catch up!

  49. I am still 2 days behind. I know I will catch up, hopefully this week.

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