Bible 180: Week 17- Return to Him

Welcome to week 17!

Whew! I don’t know how you felt but, to me, Isaiah was A LOT to read.

There was a lot of yuckiness, but one strand that kept it all hopeful for me was the echoing refrain of returning to Him, of redemption.

Looking back over my notes for the week, I keep seeing scripture where He spoke of guiding each of us, where he wants us to follow His teaching, His leading… and all will go well (ultimately) when we do.

He gave direct advice: Follow me, do as I direct. He even acknowledged that this would often be a return to Him, after falling. And that He would take us in when we do decide to follow him fully.

To me, that is reassuring. I know I’ve made mistakes which have put space between us. To know that he still yearns for me, that He will still guides me as I return, that He loves me unconditionally, is very powerful and reassuring.

He loves each and every one of us, mistakes and all. He wants to guide us. We just must slooooooow down, listen… and follow his instruction. We must be the clay, as He IS the potter.

Bible 180 Week 17 Reading Schedule

Please check in

Please take a moment and let me know you’re here. I know several of you have had a few bump along the reading schedule and aren’t quite on schedule– but you’re still reading and that, my friends, is still quite beautiful. This week for check in, please let me know where you are in the reading.

New Testament coming soon!

We will be starting the New Testament the week of Christmas. It would be super cool if we could all be together by then… What do you think?

Are there any friends you might want to invite to jump in then with us then? It would be the ideal time for them to join us, don’t you think?

So glad we’re reading together.

In love,


2 responses to “Bible 180: Week 17- Return to Him”

  1. Still reading along. Life’s as busy as , Isaiah is, trying to tell back-sliden Israel where they’re headed and that God will abruptly put an end to their living. Yes, a lot to read. I’m still enjoying reading God’s love letter. Have a thankful week.

  2. I agree with you Amy! Isaiah is a lot to read! I feel these verses sum up what God keeps saying to them over and over, if only they would listen! Thus says the Lord, your redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: I am the Lord, your God, teaching you how to prevail, leading you on the way you should go. If only you would attend to my commandments, your peace would be like a river and your vindication like the waves of the sea. Is 48:17-18 I am looking forward to the New Testament as well!

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